𝟥. 𝒮𝒶𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓇

386 26 8

When Yoongi came to, he could still feel something over his eye.

Only this time, it didn't feel like fabric anymore. This time, it felt like a bandage and something spongy, most likely to absorb the blood quicker.

As his eyes began to focus, his surroundings and the items stacked upon the multiple shelves made Yoongi think of two things.

The owner was either a collector or a doctor. Perhaps both? No, that's pushing it.

Yoongi's eyes... well, eye... shut when the sound of someone walking up the stairs echoed from outside the room. He heard someone enter, mumbling something like "Don't drop, don't drop..." before the sound of something being placed down silenced their mumbles.

Female voice. The sound of her mumbling to herself again came back, along with the sound of clinking glasses, a silent pause and then a sigh of relief.

Yoongi assumed that the woman would grab something from the shelves and freeze when they made a clinking noise, worried they'd wake up Yoongi. However, since he was sleeping, from the woman's perceptive, she's sigh with relief and continue collecting what she needed.

 Yoongi's curiosity to see the woman grew too strong, so he cautiously opened his good eye.

The woman seemed to look more like a girl. She had to be at least a few years younger than him; he assumed 17 or 16 years old. The girl had dark brown hair tied up in a tight bun, with no strand out of place. She had a slight tan and chocolate brown eyes. She seemed small from where Yoongi was laying, but he knew not to judge yet. She was beautiful, to say the least. Yoongi felt his cheeks flush slightly at the thought.

"Oh my, you're up!"

The voice snapped Yoongi out of his gaze, realising that the girl had seen that he'd been staring at her. She was already kneeling beside him, seeming to be examining his other eye.

"You had a very nasty wound," the girl eventually said. "It's stopped bleeding, thankfully and it will heal, but you'll most likely have a scar over your eye for the rest of your life."

"How... how long have I been out?" Yoongi asked as he sat up. The girl helped him, and he didn't protest or say otherwise.

"About four days," the girl answered. "You were in and out of consciousness when we found you, so Father had to sedate you in order to treat your eye without hurting you."

"Thank you," Yoongi smiled. "You most likely saved my life."

"My father is very well known for that," the girl smiled. "We only do what we believe anyone would do in their right mind."

Yoongi smiled at how realistic, yet positive and determined this girl was.

"I'm Nari, by the way," the girl smiled. "You seem like you wanted to know my name."

"Yoongi." The reply left Yoongi's lips before he could come up with another name to give to Nari. He wasn't surprised when Nari's eyes widened.

"The prince?" Nari quickly bowed her head. "Forgive me for not realising sooner, your highness."

However, Yoongi only chuckled at this. "No need to be so formal. You saved my life, that's enough on my part. Plus, I've never liked people being formal for just seeing me."

Nari smiled, "My brother would like you. He's not into formal things either. He has a scar too."

"Over his eye?" Yoongi asked.

"No, over the bridge of his nose," Nari answered, pointing out where it was. "When we were kids, he enjoyed hunting in the woods with our uncle when he'd visit. One day, they came home with a rag over my brother's nose. Apparently, he hadn't been looking where he was going."

Yoongi chuckled a little at this, imagining how embarrassing that must've been.

"However, you ever ask him how he got his scar, he'll tell you he got it from fighting a hawk or something like that," Nari laughed.

Yoongi's cheeks turned red, but thankfully the room was too dim for Nari to notice. He liked Nari's laugh.

"I hate to ask, but why were those men after you?" Nari asked.

Yoongi hesitated, "I've been exiled. That's all I can tell you. If my brother learns I'm still alive, then he'll come after me. Which is why I need to leave as soon as possible."

"Yeah, that might be a while..." Nari admitted, a sheepish smile on her face. "You'll most likely begin to have fainting spells while healing. Father believes they'll leave once your eye has finished healing on its own, but that'll be at least a few months."

Yoongi didn't like this. He needed to leave to keep this girl and her family safe. On the other hand, leaving now and fainting would put him at risk of Agust's men finding him quicker.

"We have places in this house where we can hide you if anyone comes looking for you," Nari offered, noticing how worried Yoongi seemed to be getting. "And we have a clear view of the castle walls from the attic, which is just up that ladder. I'll talk with Father and with my brother when they return."

Yoongi gave in, nodding. "Alright, I'll stay, but only until I am given the all-clear."

Nari nodded, smiling. "Good. I'll be right back. Make sure you eat the food I brought."

As Nari began to leave the room, she heard Yoongi call to her.

"Can I ask one more thing?" Yoongi asked.

Nari turned around to face Yoongi, "Yeah, of course."

"Your brother, what's he like?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, he laughs a lot," Nari began to list out. "He is a ray of sunshine most of the time, but now and then he'll have his moments when he becomes a thundercloud. And he's caring, to say the least."

"What's his name?" Yoongi asked.

"Hoseok," Nari answered before she left the room.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs she sat down on the closest seat and covered her mouth, mumbling words she was too shocked to process into her mind.

The man resting in their house was Prince Yoongi.

Then Nari remembered what he'd said.

Why had he been exiled? Would those men come back for him? And what would Prince Agust do next?

...maybe he wasn't a prince anymore?

Perhaps he was now King Agust.

Every Scar holds a Memory - DaechwitaWhere stories live. Discover now