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"What are you doing Kunkun? Staring at my groceries that long." Mama Cai asked to her young man that stood for almost ten minutes infront of the pantry.

"Mom, is it ridiculous if i go to Mr. Liu's house at this late hour?" Kun asked while still glaring his eyes to his mother's shopping bag.

"Oh..." Mama Cai seems stuned to heard her son asked such a question, as long as she knows, Kun resent that household so much, "Rather than ridiculous, that's rare of you. Why you.... Oh!" She suddenly remember something, that lately her son, sure, acting up indifferent, "You start to hanging up with Xin again? You also goes there yesterday right?" She smiled upon reminiscing Yuxin's face. She is sure has soft spot for that girl.

"Well it's just... we're neighbor, nothing wrong to meet for plenty of times right." Kun stuttered.

"Hmm that's right, of course.." Mama Cai nodded while picking up something from her groceries, and so she picks a watermelon instead, "bring this along.. i got this as a lottery of Valentines Day event."

"Lottery? You did that kind of stuff?"

"Well why not?"

"And why should i bring it with me?"

"It's special present of the lottery."

"A watermelon?"

"It's weighed 5.20 kg" Mama Cai stated proudly.

"Huh?" Kun gives off his smudged face, thinking about how absurd his mother can be.

"Just take it along!" Mama Cai shouted at the end.



"Cai Xukun." Yuxin greeted in awe, her doe eyes can't hide how surprised she is to see his presence. She is still not used to see Kun that latley keep appeared in front of her.

"Ehm yes.. i just came to... do you mind if i enter?" Kun asked while hugging a big watermelon on his chest.

"Yes. Come in." Yuxin said letting the man enter her house which is at that time has no occupant except her. She might seem quite formal and act like the cool self she is as usual.

"Uh uhm... here this is for you."

"Me?" A watermelon?

"It'a valentines day lottery's special present."

"Uh...valentine? present?" and that is the time when Yuxin can longer hold on to her poker faced mask, she autimatically out of words, and her ears turned red.

The actions is not going to unnoticed by Kun. Of course, he will take this to his advantage. "Can you hold this for me?"

"Ah yes yes." Yuxin quickly get the fruits by both of her arms.

"Ah Xin, your ears turned red again.." Kun approached, slightly rubbing them, "You keep catching a cold are you?" He asked or more precisely, teased.

"N-no, i am fine just now.." Yuxin avoided then walked away to the kitchen, placing the watermelon near the refrigator. And Kun just following her.

"Sigh.. well i just came to tell you that you have an addition practice for tomorrow. Erm, i just happen to meet your Captain today and he asked me to tell you about that."

"Huh?" Yuxin seems can't believe Kun's information. Of course, as long as she knows Kun and Yibo never related to each other. So how and why suddenly they have one?

"Trust me." Kun said as he placed his palm on top of Yuxin's head. As if something warm touching her hearts, suddenly Yuxin feels cozy by the touch. She faintly smiled and nodded as a genuine response.

"Now, give me your WeChat ID." The atmosphere didn't last long. The boy chose to switched side as now, his naughty smile hanging on his face.



Alternate universe sure is the best 🫠

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