Sinful You Know

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Kun answered confidently. Even he didn't realize that he raised one of his eyebrows, the looks of domination he always put at a competition and council students meeting.

"Are you her..." sounds hesitant to complete his question, Yibo has to gulp before he finish, "...friend?"

Thought he will ask if I was her boyfriend though...

"Eh? What do I mean by that?!" As if he is shocked by his own mind, Kun questioning himself and forget about people around him.

"Kun?" Ziyi shake Kun's shoulder with worried face.

"Ah! Oh well. Yes, I am friend with her. And who are you? What are you doing in our school?" Kun asked.

"We're looking for the student council room to hands out invitations, they're about our school cultural festival. There are many sponshorship will participated and many competition will be held!" Jackson explain with his bright smile.

"Oh what a coincidence, I am part of the student council, more precisely, the vice president." Kun smiled with his bussines smile, the gesture is rather cold actually but Kun managed to act as gentle as he usually do.

"Good good. Then we can just hands this to you.." Jackson said while pulling out few pamflets from his ransel, "right Yibo? Our mission is complete."

"...yes." Yibo agreed with his still poker face. But before they left, he had to answer the question directed towards him before, right?

"I am Wang Yibo, from the school of your friend, and also the Captain of our school dance group.. you might know it right, Xin is also in there... ah do you mind to tell her that we have a sudden practice for tomorrow. Somehow our ace is gone home so suddenly yesterday... I forget to tell her about the replacement practice." Yibo said, being the well known person of course he knows how to act as a gentleman to, so he put up a smile. But Kun seems to feel more annoyed with that.. oh well, maybe Yibo isn't smiling. Rather, he smirks. "I can counting on you to tell her right?"

"Sure.." kun smirked back.


"Tch." This young man clicked his tongue, and keep on nagging to himself, "How will i tell her? I don't have her number! Kun you idiot!"

Kicking thin air around him, Kun can't help but to release his annoyance to anything around.

"Why don't he just do it by himself? Nope, I sense it that he just wants to try me. But for what? Tch... And why she is not even at home yet?!" Kun fumed while glaring accross the window, to precisely, Yuxin's windows. Form the window, Kun can see that Yuxin's room is still dark. "Where is she? It's already late of evening."

Not long after that, the room lighten up. Kun quickly take a look to the said window that shows silhouette of Yuxin's room.

"There she goes again.." kun murmured with his eyes following the slim figure framed in the window. He knows that he shouldn't kept on looking at this very time, it could be considered as sinful behaviour in his family to stare like that. But he can't help himself, as if there is devilish power that controlled him, so he chose to follow his deep intentions to stare at the scene of how the short haired girl accross his room, pulling out her sweatshirt. Her toned arms raised up, her waist arched, makes a heavenly figure that captivate the man's doe eyes. Biting his lips, is the only thing he can do now beside staring endearingly. If this gaze could be interpreted than it will be as equal as drowning once soul in it.

"Damn it.." Kun cursed, "it will be hard to sleep tonight."


Thank you fellow readers for the supports and the welcomes💙💛 it means a loooot!

Btw i have been thinking about just use two blue hearts instead since kunkun happen to like the color too.

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