Chapter 27- His View

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Warning!: This chapter involves s@x. If you feel uncomfortable reading this sort of thing, you can skip the chapter. I advise for mature adults to read, 18 or older.


Jack's POV:

I have been awake for around and hour now. Candy has explained why Bella is a mage and what it means.

It's really complicated.

The mages went extinct eighteen years ago. Now that Bella is one, their might be a way to fix this world.

Everyone always listened to what the mages had to say before they went extinct.

Maybe they will listen to Bella.

"If I am a mage, would one of my parents be one as well?" Asks Bella from my arms on the bed.

Everyone sort of went a bit crazy when Candy told them that Bella is a mage.

Buck and Mike both said 'shit' at the same time.

Hope fainted.

Zane said that he 'new it'.

Grace and Sky just stared at Bella.

And me.

I just said 'that makes sense'.

It wasn't the best words to say. Bella flopped down onto me and I had to pull her up to me and sit up so she was comfortable.

All she said was 'I'm a mage...'. She was shocked!

"Possibly" replies Candy to Bella's question.

"Well theirs only one way to find out" she says gripping my shirt even tighter. "We need to find my parents"

"On the flouting islands?! Yea, I ain't going" says Buck from the brown chair near the door.

"Can we just talk for a sec?" Asks Sky to me and Bella.

We both nod. Everyone then leaves the room and closes the door. Just me and Bella now.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Bella.

"I should be asking you the same thing" she replies looking up at me. Her beautiful midnight eyes look into my golden eyes.

"I am fine were just told that your a are you?" I say to her pulling her closer to my chest.

Her warm skin touches mine and the soft fabrics of her dress lay comfortably on her and me.

"I am going great..." she replies moving her head to lean against my chest. Her eyes flutter closed and she starts to drift off to sleep.

I lightly kiss her head. A smile grows on her lips.

"Your going to to wonderful things sweetheart" I whisper into her ear.

Her cheeks blush. Cute.

My eyes also soon start to close. I pull her closer to me, making sure I feel her warm skin. "

"I love you" I find myself saying to her. The last thing I hear is Bella saying 'I love you too'.

My eyes open to the early morning sunlight shining on my eyes. I look down at my arms to see them empty.

I start looking around the room and find her sitting on the ledge by the window looking out to the land. I quietly get up off the bed and walk over to her.

I look down at her face, she feel asleep at the window. I grab one of the blankets and pull it over her but notice something in her hands.

A book.

I carefully take the book out of her hands and look at it. She can also draw.

I look over the gorgeous drawing of me and her in bed together. My arm is around her and her arms are around my chest. Her head is resting on my chest and both our eyes are closed.

We both have huge smiles on our faces and the covers over our waists with some of our legs tangled together.

And we're both naked.

I close the book and look down at her. She is beautiful, perfect even.

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