Chapter 1: Backstory

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💚Zeds POV🧑

"A-Addison!?" I heard myself say shocked.
I was walking through the hall looking for Addison so I could tell her I got into Mount. Collage. I saw the aliens so I asked them if they knew where Addy was. They said they saw her go with A-spen to the library. I thanked them and started on my way to the library but when I got there I felt my heart shatter. Addison w-was kissing A-spen.
"Z-ZED!?" Addison yelped turning around to face me.
"Oh, hello, Zed!" A-spen cheered happily. I waved holding back my tears.
I turned my attention back to Addison.
"Why Addy? Why? I thought you loved me!" I cried.
"Heh. You think I could love someone who is part of that sinner's community!? You're stupider than I thought." Addison scoffed.
"A-Addy!? Y-you know I'm non-binary, right?" A-spen asked tears running down their face.
"Y-YOU'RE WHAT!?" Addison yelled shocked.
"Wow. I thought you were different than your parents Addy. Guess I was wrong." I stated and ran out of the library. Tears were streaming down my face with no end. I ran into the janitor's closet and that's when I found something shocking...

🐺Wyatts POV🧑

"H-hey, Aliza! I have to ask you something..." I stammered nervously.
"What's up, Wyatt?" Aliza asked kindly.
"I-I was wondering if y-you wanted to go on a date with me...?" I asked my face heating up every second.
"I-I'm sorry, Wyatt... I don't feel the same..." She trailed off looking at me sadly.
I just got rejected by the girl I've had a crush on for I don't know 5 months!? I can't handle this. I ran through the hallway and to the janitor's closet. That's where I found something that would change me for the better...

📣Buckys POV🧑

I was at cheer practice when I heard the Acey's talking about me. I got interested obviously but that's when I heard them fully. They were trash-talking about me. I thought they were my friends... Turns out they hate me... Just like everyone else.
"Bucky is so annoying," Stacey complained.
"I know right!?" Lacey agreed.
"I agree!" Jacey chimed in.
I couldn't handle this. My family hates me and now my so-called 'friends' hate me as well. I ran from the gym and down the hallway. I passed the aliens and Z-Zed. But continued to run. Then I passed the computer room and saw W-Wyatt and Aliza. I didn't stop though. I ran into the janitor's closet. Little did I know this day was going to change my life. A few minutes after I sat against a wall I heard someone come into the closet. It was Wyatt.
"BUCKY!?" Wyatt yelled shocked. I waved weakly.
"What's wrong?" He asked sitting next to me.
"E-everyone hates me..." I trailed off.
"I wouldn't say, everyone! I don't hate you! I'm someone, right?" He asked jokingly.
"No. You are a ghost U-U!" I said proudly.
"There's the Bucky I met five months ago!" He joked nudging me with his arm.
"Why'd you come here?" I asked changing the subject completely.
"I confessed to Aliza and she rejected me..." He explained tears welling up in his eyes.
"O-oh! I'm sorry..." I apologized.
"It's fine. I should've known she wouldn't wanna date me..." He trailed off.
We heard someone else come in.
"H-hello?" I asked.
"B-Bucky? W-Wyatt!?" Zed asked shocked.
"Zed!? Why are you crying!?" I asked shocked.
"Your little witch of a cousin cheated on me and then lashed out at A-spen because they are non-binary..." He trailed off.
"Addison cheated!?" Wyatt asked shocked.
He nodded and put his head on my shoulder hugging me tightly.
I- He- Bucky.exe has stopped responding. I thought shocked.
"Hey, it'll be ok!" Wyatt reassured Zed and hugged us both.
I felt my face heat up. I thought I saw a little red on Zed and Wyatt's faces but it was dark so I couldn't tell.
"Hey! Why don't we go hang out? Ya'know to get our minds off everything that happened today?" Wyatt asked.
"I'm game!" Zed answered.
"We still have class though!!" I reminded.
Zed and Wyatt glanced over at each other and smirked. Zed walked to me and picked me up.
"PUT ME DOWN, BAKA!!!" I yelled.
Shoot! My inner weeb and inner tsundere are coming out to play!!! I thought madly.
"Did you just call me a baka!? As in fool or idiot in Japanese!?" Zed asked shocked. "Ah, do we have a weeb and tsundere on our hands~?"
"I think we do~!" Wyatt answered.
"You both know what that is!?" I asked shocked.
They nodded. Zed put me down and showed me ALL his anime streaming services. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped. He has like twenty anime apps. Then Wyatt showed me his. He has fifteen. 'Wow.' was all I could say at that point. They smirked at my reaction.
"Don't smirk at my reactions!!" I scolded.
They put their hands up as if they were saying 'I surrender.' which I giggled at.
"Did you just giggle!?" Zed AND Wyatt asked. They seemed embarrassed that they talked at the same time.
"Yes? Why?" I asked.
"It's cute..." They whispered but I heard them.
My face heated up in .1 second.

🤍3rd pov🤍

That's how this crazy love story between a zombie, werewolf, and human started.

A/N: That's the end of the backstory. I know this is a little shorter than my other chapters but it was technically a real part! BYE!!! *Bows*

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