Oh fudge
Bose: Sir
Professor: What's going on?
Bose: What do u mean?

I gotta think of lie. And that lie, has to protect the whole class. Or I'm done for...WHY DOES LIFE HAVE TO BE THIS WAY?!
Professor: What's with the papers all over ur hair and around the classroom
Bose: Uh...

I looked at Chapa who gave me this innocent look, like she did nothing at all. I love it when she does that, she looks so cute-- Bose focus!
Bose: I...am...fighting with papers
Prof: Fighting with papers?
Bose: Yes. They're not flipping, they're flying everywhere and I'm trying to stop them and in the end I ripped out half of my English book and its causing everyone to...laugh?

It wasn't entirely a lie I mean, half my English book doesn't have pages because I got into a fight with them days ago...yeah the paper fights are real! Sorry Mr. Luhan
Prof: Well, for disturbing my class, you get detention after school today. Go see--
Chapa: Actually Professor Hogwash,

Ohhhhh that's his name
Chapa: I was messing with his papers to tease him so it was all my fault
Prof: In that case, you're off the hook O'Brien. Chapa, detention for you
Chapa: Eye eye Professor

He turned back to the board and started teaching again
Bose: Why'd u do that?
Chapa: Because u were gonna take the blame for something I started *flings a paper at Daryl*
Bose: But, but--
Chapa: Just appreciate and forget about it *flings two papers at Yucca*

When second period was over, Chapa kept getting praises from the other kids, as usual
O.dee: That was ausome Chapa
Lydia: Yeah, loved that Paper War *highfives Chapa*
Chapa: Heck yeah
Lydia: Oh and thanks for not ratting us out Bose
Bose: *smiles*
Janelle: *laughing* Firecracking as always Chapa?
Chapa: Laughing as always Janelle? *giggled*

All I did was smile at the comments she kept getting, that she so truly deserved. She's amazing and it's great that everyone knows that
Josh: Thanks O'Brien, better yet, thanks Chapa for making class fun once again
Chapa: It's how I roll

They highfived and Mika was stunned
Mika: H-how? Why?
Chapa: Just be as fun as me, and you'll get Josh to talk to you

Mika was busy re-thinking her life choices and Chapa was teasing her about the fact that Josh talks to her and not Mika. We got to our lockers and Mika started "retouching her gloss" whatever that means
Mika: What do you guys have next?
Both: History *look at each other*
Chapa: We have the same classes again?
Bose: Is tha--
Chapa: Sweet!
Bose: *blushing*
Chapa: Ugh
Bose: What?
Chapa: I'm just thinking about how much trouble I'll have doing Biology homework since I didn't pay attention
Bose: *confused* We have homework?
Chapa: Yeah, he gave us after the notes
Bose: We had notes?!
Mika: Baby boy. Where was your mind at that time?

I was so concentrated on Chapa, I completely forgot about school. And today's lesson, Blood Vessels, was a repeat of yesterday's topic...which I also didn't pay attention too
Bose: Oh man
Mika: I would help you but, my aunt Didi is coming for dinner so I can't have guests over
Bose: Chapa?
Chapa: What?
Bose: Could you help me?
Chapa: With...?
Bose: The homework. And the notes. At ur house
Chapa: *laughs*
Chapa: Wait ur serious?
Bose: *whines* Chapa
Chapa: Ughhh! Fine! At...7p.m I'm coming okay?
Bose: Yay

I got too excited and went to hug her, she flinched and said ow but hugged me back
Chapa: *breaks the hug* Don't do that again
Bose: Sorry
Chapa: *holds her right arm carefully*

Chapa: I gotta go for detention now, bye guys
Bose: Bye chapa
Miles: *on the phone*
Mika: [to Janelle] And then Josh--
Chapa: Bye. Guys

They like totally ignored Chapa. Like she wasn't there, the hell?!
Chapa: Oh forget it *walks away*
Bose: Chapa wait!

Before I followed Chapa, I snatched Miles' phone from his ears
Miles: Hey!

One-shots of Bapa (DangerForce)Where stories live. Discover now