Chapter 7 "Comfort"

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Yooo thank you guys so much for the support on this fic
We just reached 600 reads, which is just amazing thank you guys so much <333
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter ^^

Tw : mentions of hyperventilation/ panic attacks

Steve woke up again. He was in the upside down. Was it all just a dream? Was his entire encounter with Eddie really just something his mind had made up?
His thoughts where abruptly ended by the sound of a grandfather clock chiming four times.
He suddenly felt a sudden bad feeling in his stomach. He heard footsteps behind him, which one could barely hear, because of the loud upside down noises.

He quickly stood up and turned around, to which he was greeted with the sight of a figure covered in fleshy(?) vines. He quickly assumed this was vecna, based off of max's descriptions of the guy.

"what do you want?", Steve quickly asked, as Vecna slowly approached him.

"Dont trust him." The vine-covered man responded, "he works with me now"

"What? Who is him? And why would anyone want to work with you?", Steve hastily asked, while backing away, as Vecna kept getting closer.

"His time has already come, but he decided to come back. He may not break our deal."

Steve suddenly realized who he was talking about. It was Eddie. He had mentioning making a deal with vecna, which had resorted in him being able to come back.

"Show him" vecna said, clearly ordering someone to do his bidding.

All steve could hear where very fast-paced footsteps behind him, and before he was able to turn around to see who it was, he got bit by something, which latched onto his throat, in the same way a vampire would do in one of those cheesy movies.
He could feel himself getting weaker and not being able to stand anymore, which resorted in him collapsing and falling onto the ground.

He woke up in a could sweat. His breathing was highly unstable and was hardly able to breathe in and out.
The man who had been lying next to him, had quickly woken up at the sound of him hyperventilating and tried to help him.
He quickly sat up and placed both of his hands on either side of Steves face, forcing him to look into his face.

"Hey breath with me okay? One", he paused for a second while breathing in, "and two" he said, while blowing the air out.
Steve quickly followed his breathing, and after around 5 minutes of doing this, he was finally able to properly breathe again.
"Hey, you okay?" eddied asked, removing his hands from the other mans face.

"Better", was all he managed to say, since he was still trying to regain his composure.
"That's good", eddies said in a calm voice, clearly meaning what he said.

"Hey, I'm going to quickly get dressed, you can borrow some of mine", steve said, after a uncomfortable but at the same time calming silence.
"Alright, thank you again, for y'know, everything. It really means lot", the curly haired man said, in a calm and sincere tone.

Steve went to the bathroom, while he took some of his clothes with him. Eddie got up from the bed and started looking around in Steve's closet for clothes to wear. Most of his shirt where just boring and bland shirts, while most of them only consisting of one or two colors. He took a black shirt and grabbed some random clothes, and quietly waited for the other man to return, so he could get dressed as well.

Once they finished getting dressed, eddied asked
"Hey uh Steve, so like what are we doing today?"
"I don't know. We could go for like a walk in the woods, we could just stay in my room all day and pray that my parents don't come home, or we could meet up with the others. I'm sure Dustin, Mike and Lucas would be thrilled to see you again." Steve said.

"I don't know if meeting the kids right now would be such a good idea. I mean, we only just met yesterday again and I still don't know what's with my body. Sometimes I feel like I loose control of it, and I wouldn't want that to happen around the kids."

At the mention of losing control, Steve remembered his dream(well more like nightmare).
He decided to just forget about that for a moment and just focus an Eddie. "A walk in the Forrest sounds nice. Might also be good since we can hide easily, and since the cops are still after me-" Eddie said, taking Steve's offer.
"Alright, a walk in the Forrest it is", Steve said.

Eddie gave him a warm smile as response, and he couldn't help but smile back.

"I feel like we shouldn't take the car, since that could just draw attention to us" Eddie suggested, not wanting to be found by the police.
"Oh sure, we can always just walk. The nearest Forrest is only a like 2 minute walk, so we should be fine" Steve offers, to which the other male obliged.
They started to walk in the direction of that Forrest. After exactly two minutes they got there. They where lucky enough to not be spotted by anyone, and they slowly walked into the Forrest.

Lol I have no idea what this chapter is but go off sis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also I think it's funny that I keep writing that Steve's trail of thoughts keep getting interrupted-
Like mans can't think for even one second without being disturbed by anything.
Anygays, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the next one should be posted either tomorrow or in two days (depending on my motivation)
Also once again feel free to comment any ideas/suggestions you'd like to see in this fic ^^

❗DISCONTINUED❗Revived love | vampire Eddie Munson | SteddieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora