He puts his hands up as if he is surrendering and he exits the room.

I look at Max and smile, he smiles back.

"So, I take it that you haven't told all of your subjects about vampires and werewol-"

"No, I haven't, but I will. For now we just need to start preparing for the war." He replies.

"How can we prepare for a war if we don't practice together?" I shout.

He looks at me for a while and says," The royals have to know what strategies to use so they can show the commander, and the commander shows the warriors. They have to know potions, potions to make.... And I have a feeling you can't even use magic."

I shake my head and he says," Grab your friend and follow me.

With that, I grab Kellen and we follow Max. Wolf Manor was huge. Bigger than our castle. It was mostly made of marble and ceaderwood. Beautifully designed with murals everywhere.

We start to make our way downstairs and before I know it, we are in a dark, musky, underground tunnel. We walk for a few minutes and it is getting darker, the only light we have is the glow of a torch light.

My anxiety starts to rise and I think to myself, what if Max was lying to us, he did forgive a little fast.....

I was so lost in my thoughts and I trip over a step and ram into Kellen. He catches me and whispers,"You alright,Princess?"

I nod my head and realize that the light is probably too dim to see my head so I say,"Yeah, im fine."

"Is this some kind of a joke? We have been wandering around a dark tunnel for almost an hour! I'm starting to think we can't trust you." Kellen hisses.

Max scoffs,"Please, if I wanted to kill you I would have already. I'm actually trying to help you guys out."

I don't say anything at all. Instead, I take Kellen's hand. Not in the romantic way, but because I was scared. What if we can't trust Max? I really want to.

To my surprise, Kellen doesn't let go, but gives my hand a squeeze as if he is reassuring me.

His hands are so, so cold. But I keep holding on.

All of a sudden Max says,"Stop."

So we did.

"I think you guys need to know a little........ Magic history before we do anything. Is that okay?" Max asks.

"Yes. Now get on with it. You and I can see just fine, but Juliette is probably sick of the dark."

I totally forgot that vampires and werewolves can see in the dark. Kellen must have seen me blushing the whole time we held hands. To my surprise, we still were.

"Okay, okay. Well first of all, you need to know that witches aren't the only ones who can use magic." Max says. I can practically hear the smile in his voice.

Max explains how it took many, many years for other monsters to figure out how to make magic potions, and how to use elements for war. Then he explained how only werewolves figured out how to use magic, but theyonly use it for war. Then, Max said that he would teach Kellen and I how to use magic, so I could teach our troops how to use it for war.

"That's so cool." Kellen says in awe.

"Yes. Thanks for willing to teach us this,Max." I say

"No problem." Max says as he opens a heavy door where light is revealed.

I cover my eyes because it seems so bright after being in darkness for a long time.

I realize that Kellen and I were still holding hands, I look down and so does he. He blushes and takes his hand away, then scratches the back of his neck not making eye contact with me what so ever. As for me I just cross my arms over my chest and look down at my feet.

I look over at Max and see him smirking at us. He then guides us over to a table with a bunch of potions and ingredients.

"We keep our magic stuff far below so no intruders steal things."

"Well, at least you are cautious." I say while Kellen roles his eyes.

Max just talks about the elements fire, earth, water, and wind, and how we can use them by concentration and patience. He taught us how to make a potion to make a protection bubble. Yo need the element of wind mixed with the element of earth. It is quite a complicated process that Max can't even master it yet. And I have a feeling we will need this potion the most.

After three hours of hard work, but barely accomplishing anything, it's time to leave.

Kellen says thanks for Max's help and he wants for me by the door.

I smile sheepishly at Max and say,"Thanks.....for everything."

"No problem. I hope this helped you a lot."

I nod at him and pull out my Changing invitation and hand one to Max," I want you to come. It is this Saturday. Please come."

He looked at me and smiled genuilly," I will try, I might be busy but I will try." He says.

I awkwardly hug him and he still has that spice smell.

I say,"thank you." And with that I turn and walk away.

I catch up with Kellen and give him an invitation and say," Won't be a celebration without you there."

He looks at the invitation and licks his lips. He gives me a nod and turns into a bat and fly's away.

At first I think he is playing a trick on me, bit after waiting for ten minutes, I walk home. He is not like this.

What happened.

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