.𝟎𝟏 ("ꜱᴛʀᴀᴡʙᴇʀʀʏ ɪᴄᴇᴅ ᴛᴇᴀ?")

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ᴬˡˡ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ⁱ ˡⁱᵏᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵇᵒʸ

"Gavin, I'm going out with the girls" I said to my brother while grabbing my shoes ad slipping them on quickly.

"Alright see you later" he told me

"Oh and also" he started "I'm gonna have some friends over"

"Okay sounds good" I said, only hearing "friends" while shutting the door behind me. I figured he would go to a friends house. Our parents were currently on a work trip in another state so right now it was a free for all (with rules of course).

I was planning on having quite a bit of fun tonight, I've been stressing about my classes at school and turning in work. I had the flu and I was out for about a whole week. And on top of it my teachers don't post anything in google classroom so when i finally went back to school, I had my folders for each subject jam packed because my teachers decided that even though the prior weeks we have done absolutely nothing, that now is the time we have pop quizzes and whole bunch of papers and labs to do.

I walked down the drive-way of my house to Allie's car parked at the bottom.

"Hey bitches" I said as Allie and Gi rolled down their windows.

"You ready to have some fun?" Gi asked me as i buckled my seat belt.

"Hell yeah" i replied

We drove to this club, us three don't smoke or drink. The vibe of this place was just really fun and it was overall really positive here. They also have the best Shirley temples here so it's definitely our favorite place to go to.

We parked on the side of the road, it was a Friday night, so a lot of people were here. Especially due to it being pretty late in the night.

They serve a small amount of food so we figured we would eat here too. The waitress came over to the table.

"Can I get you guys started with a drink?" She asked

"Yes please" we all responded in unison and started to laugh. We tried to control ourselves because we didn't want her to think we were laughing at her.

"Can i have a Shirley temple please" I asked

"Me too please" Gina quickly asked as well.

"Do you guys have strawberry iced tea?" Allie asked. Gi and I whipped our heads around, not even knowing what a strawberry iced tea is.

"I don't think we have those, im sorry" the waitress informed us.

"Oh, its okay then. Can i just have a Shirley temple as well please?"

"Coming right up" the waitress smirked and walked away.

"strawberry iced tea??" I immediately asked Allie.

"What the hell even is that?" Gina asked along with me.

"I meant to say strawberry lemonade, but i was way to embarrassed so i went with a Shirley temple" she defended.

"You couldn't just said, "sorry I meant strawberry lemonade" and be done with it" gi told Allie in between laughs.

"My brain doesn't work that quick" she laughed.

After some short random conversation our drinks came.

"Thank you" we all said as the waitress gave us each our beverages.

"Guys we should take pictures of us" Allie suggested


"Alright" we all agreed.

It was 11:00pm when we decided to go back to my house and have a sleepover

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It was 11:00pm when we decided to go back to my house and have a sleepover.

Allie without hesitation said yes when I offered them to sleepover and grew pink in the cheeks, i knew she had a crush on my brother but i didn't tell her i knew.

The drive home felt like three minutes when it's actually a ten minute drive. We blasted some music and rolled the windows down. When we got to my house and rolled the windows up our hair was a complete mess. I absolutely didn't want people to see how horrendous it looked to i covered it with my hair while Allie and gi were trying to get pictures. Their hair barley even moved, clearly I didn't use enough hair spray.

I opened my door and heard voices talking. Boys voices. I immediately thought someone was breaking in so i signaled to grab something to hold just in case we had to get defensive. I unplugged a lamp and held it up i didn't see what the girls grabbed because footsteps were coming our way.

A light turned on and I see my brother and three almost identical boys standing behind him.

"Uh hi?" Gavin greeted me with confusion written all across his face. We looked like crazy people just standing there.

"I thought you weren't gonna be home" I started, "so-
I was cut off

"She thought someone was breaking into the house" Gina started to laugh

Then allie and I joined in, once again looked like psychopaths.

"Hi" i said to the boys standing there in the back.

"Hey" the said in unison.

"We'll be up in my room" i told Gavin and quickly ran upstairs.

I shut my door after allie and gi walked in.

"Well, I've never been more embarrassed in my life thats for sure" i said while leaning against my closed door.

"Don't you know those guys though?" Gi asked me

"Nope" I responded.

Hey loves, sorry for the super long chapter

But sense it was the first i had to make it long. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and enjoy the ones in the future

Published- 8.12.22
Written- 8.12.22

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