A for Effort?

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Maya walked into the Palm Woods and raced to the pool to find where Camille and the boys were at. Kendall had told her all about what an eventful day the boys had the other day for their photo shoot, and she couldn't wait to hear the full story. 

She found the boys, looking very rough, and Camille quickly.

"Cool, you got your picture in Pop Tiger Magazine," Camille began, showing me the poster, "But what happened?"

"It's a really great picture, though, guys," Maya interrupted before they began their story.

"You guys look terrible now, though."

"That picture happened," James said.

"Girls," Kendall began, "Get ready for a twisted tale of adventure, danger, and nail-biting suspense." Kendall then spit out his tooth, "Hey, my tooth came out."

"No, wait," Carlos grabbed the tooth, "That's mine." He then put the tooth in his mouth.

"There's only so many ways that could have gotten in there, K," Maya teased causing Kendall to throw the lounge chair pillow at her.


After a very long story about a crazy photographer and crazy Dak Zevon loving girls, Maya got the boys more ice. When she came back, Andrew was talking to Camille. 

"Andrew!" Maya exclaimed, "I thought you weren't going to be back for a month because of that singing camp Hawk wanted you to mentor at?"

"I took a few days off to hang out with my favorite girl," Andrew answered as he hugged her. 

"That's so sweet of you, but I was going to spend today nursing these boys back to health." 

"Yeah, what happened to you guys?"

All of the boys just groaned, and Maya answered, "It's a long story." Maya turned and grabbed Andrew's hands, "I love surprises, but I wish you would've called so that we could have planned better."

"It's alright. I'll help with you."

"We'll be fine, Maya," Kendall interjected, "Spend time with Andrew while he's here."

"No," Maya replied, "I promised that I would help you guys, and I'm done being a bad friend to you." 

Kendall smiled, glad that she wasn't ditching him for Andrew again.


Kendall was currently wishing that Maya would have ditched them for Andrew. After a few more minutes at the pool, Maya and Andrew had helped the boys up to their apartment. They got all the boys on the couch and then proceeded to make lunch. All in all, they were being very helpful.

However, Kendall was tired of watching the two flirt and be affectionate with each other. As much as he appreciated Maya's effort to be around more, it was killing him to watch her with Andrew. 

So while Maya and Andrew were making dinner, Kendall got the guys' attention.

"I know how much we are all hurting, but I can't stand to watch them anymore," Kendall whispered.

"But who's going to tell her that?" Carlos asked, "Not me. She's trying to show that she's going to be here for us. I appreciate that."

"And trust me, I do too. Which is why we all need to stop needing her help."

"How would you suggest we get anything done?" Logan asked, "I can't use either of my arms, you have a broken arm and a concussion, James also has a concussion, and Carlos needs to use a cane."

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