Part II

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My War Part II
In 2021, after marrying the love of my life, my chance to conquer My War would soon happen again. Something felt off that year. I had my 29th birthday on August 11th and it completely changed after that. Aug 12 myself and my soldier were chatting about how we wanted to do our jobs operationally. I wanted to deploy again. We were hearing murmurs of something getting ready to happen but didn't think we'd be called up. 30 mins later after our talk, we got the call. I went 40 mph over the speed limit on Longstreet Rd, called my dad, of course I told him take a wild guess on where I was going and he already knew. I got home, my wife already knew because we are in the same job in the Army, I packed up everything I would need, and told Lacey I loved her and I would be back. My greatest regret was never taking the time to give her hugs and kisses before I left. I didn't think I had time. I had plenty of time but there was a mission and I knew deep down I'd be back, at least that was my first impression. We got to my Battalion area and I gave all my account information for anything that needed to be paid and of course if the worst happened. I headed up into my Battalion building and started organizing everything and doing last minute tasks.  I asked Shaina to get me some dip because I wasn't convinced we'd be activated so I didn't plan this far ahead. Fuck, I was wrong. She came back to Battalion and I told her I loved her and she left. We left to get our RFI gear and deployment plates. My CPT came back and briefed all of us on the situation. Now we knew but a lot was being kept from us because Brigade likes to keep intel from the Battalions (pretentious assholes). We assembled on the field and awaited our buses to take us to the pre-deployment area. Took about 5 hours to finally get on the road. While waiting, I prayed for the first time in awhile with my Chaplain and a couple others. Something in me told me this could turn bad in an instant. I told my buddy who was staying back because he was getting out to look after Lacey and Shaina if something were to happen. We loaded up the buses and finally moved out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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