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Colby's POV

It was almost 9 PM before Jen arrived back at her apartment. Her face was riddled with tears and she looks distraught. I knew it had been a tough day for her. I pulled her to my chest and Let her cry a bit more. I didn't know how to help her with this. It was not something I could fix with the random cuteness and kisses I usually resort to. This was a serious situation and I didn't know what to do. 

"I'm scared, Colby," she said softly, "My job, my apartment, the fans know everything about me, clearly if my friend's funeral isn't off limits none of those places will be either."

"I am so sorry baby girl, I can help you....." I said, sadly. I wanted nothing more than to take her pain away, but something felt off, something else was wrong, I could feel it in her body. She was tense and almost a bit angry.

"No, you can't.... my relationship with you is what is causing all this," she said pulling back, "Nothing is private anymore... my patients' privacy, my life... sure we're not hounded by paparazzi, but your fans might as well be..." She was almost YELLING at me and I couldn't figure out why this changed so suddenly.

"I know Jen, I know, I am so sorry," I said sadly, wondering why she was yelling at me. I was taken aback by her behavior, but I understood why she was frustrated.

"I just, don't know if I can handle that, all that extra energy in my life..." she said. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Energy? My energy?" I asked wanting some kind of explanation.

"No, their energy, their dead relative's energies, whatever they may have attached to them, I already sense so many extra things today, it's like medium overload and I can't handle that and everything that comes with it. Or comes with you...." she whimpered. Wait for what?!?!

"Wait, Jen what are you saying?" I asked trying to reach for her. 

"I just need some space... to try and get my life back to normal again for a while," she said, putting her hands up and backing away from me, clearly not wanting me to touch her right now.

"Jen, this isn't about us, this is about this day, this tragedy," Kat said trying to help out, a hand on Jen's shoulder. Jen turned to face her and smiled.

"It may be but I need a few days to get my head on straight," she said simply. 

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, sadly. I just wanted to hold her and make her change her mind. She turned back to me and her face looked so sad it was almost like a knife to the heart. It was in that moment of possibly losing her that I realized I was head over heels for this woman. 

"I don't know yet, right now it's just space..." she said, softly, stoking my face. It was then I felt the tear that had been sliding down my cheek.

"Promise?" I asked holding her hand to my face. I was afraid if I let go of her she'd walk away and I wasn't sure I would be able to handle that. She smiled and kissed me softly.

"Yes, I promise, just give me a few days, please?" she asked. I nodded.

"so no phone calls or anything?" I pouted.

"Nothing for a couple of days, I will reach out when my head is on straight, okay?" she promised. I nodded and hugged her for a moment before me, Sam and Kat gathered our bags to head out. I didn't like this. I wasn't okay with it, but I had to be respectful of what she wanted. I kissed her once more before heading out with my friends. I let Sam get in the driver's seat, but once we got on the road I broke down.

"I knew it. I knew this was going to happen, it always does," I choked out, "Every time I fall for someone or want to be with someone she gets scared off..."

"Colbs, it's not about you or your relationship. She's going thru a terrible loss and she's not handling it well! She's crazy about you..." Kat said softly, reaching back to rest a hand on my knee. 

"How do you know that?" I whimpered.

"Because she told me when she was in vegas, that this life, this way she felt for her, it scared her. SO please Colby don't be so sad, she'll be back, just give her a few days to get thru this...." she said. I just nodded and leaned back, just wanting these next few days to go by quickly.

~*~*~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~*~

I am SO sorry for the very short chapter and delay in updating. It has been a crazy couple of weeks. My surgery went well and I am back to work two days now, but it's been a little crazy with appointments and getting my boys ready to go back to school. I can't believe he's gonna be in 8th grade this year. 

I do have a few ideas tho for a new story with Sam and Colby, but it's been done a few times, but I wanna put my own twist on a romance Werewolf story, but with romance, danger, and possibly a litter or two of pups?! OR should I make them Vampires? Or Warlocks? I have ideas for all three, but which would you guys like to see?! Comment down below and let me know!

But Again thanks so much for reading and for the votes and the support with this story! I still can't believe how well it's been doing. I am so grateful for each and every one of you!

The Medium: A Colby Brock FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora