Chapter two童话

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and I'm back.

"My people! Do not fear, for I am here! The most bravest warrior in all of Teyvat!" You placed one feet on a rock, and held a stick up, imagining it as your very own sword.

Rows of onikabutos were lined up infront of you, posing as your beloved villagers. Kunikuzushi was there too, posing as your royal servant, but the only task he was assigned to was placing the onikabutos right back in their place whenever they try to escape.

Having no other friends, a fox sat across them, posing as the greatest threat against their city. Kunikuzushi throwing fishes for it to stay  whenever it tried to leave.

"Now, tell me you wretched beast! What is your business with MY city?" you yelled, pointing your long stick to the direction of the fox. After a moment of silence, you cleared your throat. "I said, what is YOUR business with MY city!?" You said, louder than before. Catching Kunikuzushi's attention.

"Kuni!" you called out to the boy who was too busy poking one of the onikabutos to catch his attention.

"Oh, uh.. there's no use talking, such a monstrous being would never admit to its faults." He said, before poking the onikabutos once again.

"your Highness!" You whispered the special lines he forgot to say. Looking at him with a hint of irritation.

"..your highness." He says.

You send him a thumbs up at his correction and a grin made it to your face. "You must be right then, forget the chitchat! It's my duty to protect my people and that's what I'm going to do!" You said, before jumping over the onikabuto line and onto the fox, the only nonscripted happening was when the fox dodged, causing you to fall face planted on the hard ground.

You raise your head, sighing at your failure.
"Your highness, are you okay?" your friend asks, sitting beside your fallen figure.

"I'll be.. alright!" You smiled at him, he would've believed you if not for the heavy amount of blood running down your nose. Feeling something drip, you used your fingers to feel it and glanced at it.

"are you still alright?" Kunikuzushi asks, not gaining any response from you. "are you sti-" Right when he was about to repeat his question, the sound of your head thudding against the ground was heard.

You blinked your eyes open, hearing the sound of someone yelling. Rubbing your eyes, you sighed, you knew who owned that voice.
"Listen boy, I don't know who the heck you are but I just know that you're my siblings friend. But you— you think I don't know your motive? And the one time you bring her home she looks as pale as a cloud! So you, you're never EVER seeing my sister agai-"

"Woah! woah! what's going on here?" You interrupted, seeing the sight of your brother scolding Kunikuzushi who didn't even seem bothered to be yelled at.

"Finally, you're awake! Do you even know how worried I was! If mom and dad found out about this we're both dead as mea—"

"your brother is fighting me." Kunikuzushi said, pointing at your distressed brother who was once staring at you, now staring at him with fire in his eyes.

"Oh you brat, I'm not even!" Your brother said, as you stood between him and Kunikuzushi, sheilding your friend form your brother's wrath. "Great, fine then, go side with him." Your brother angrily said.

"What do you mean by you're never ever seeing my sister again?" You asked your brother.

"Can't you see, Y/n? he's a bad influence!" your brother yells at you. You look down on the floor, a little ashamed and upset at the words he shot against your only friend.

"Who's a bad influence now?" Another voice entered the room, making you and your brother straighten up and act collected. "Y/n, I've heard from your Embroidery teacher that you missed her lessons today."

You shifted your eyes to look at the lady who's given birth to you. She had long dark black hair and it was tied into a bun, her kimono's color matching her hair.

She stared at you for a while before shifting her cold gaze to your brother. "And you, I told you to keep an eye on your sister, yet here you are letting her run free."

Your brother looked down, your mother rolling her eyes before looking back at you again. "Starting tomorrow I'm getting the guards to watch over you. You're going to stay in this house for the rest of your life."

"Mother, they're just a child. You shouldn't-"

"Oh don't spout nonsense now, you're coming with me tomorrow. A new set of suitors are coming to meet you, look presentable." Your mother said, as your brother looked down, letting out a sigh of defeat.

Although badnews was being said, you just felt relieved she was too rude to even acknowledge Kunikuzushi's prescense.

"your bun has lost its volume, and your kimono hasn't been placed properly, and your geta is worn incorrectly, you wore the left one on your right." He suddenly blurts out, making your mind go crazy, now your mother will truly acknowledge his prescense.

Your mother turned her attention to the boy who stood still. Your brother holding back a snort. "And who may this be?"

"Kuni-" "He's my friend." You suddenly cut him.

"Well then, my dear Y/n, why don't you tell your friend to shut his mouth before things get dirty." Your mother said in a hushed yell tone, it was obvious that she tried to keep her calm and professionalism but a little bit of her harsh self had slipped out of that sentence. She then turned around, signalling to a few of your servants in the corner. "I'd like to see him out." She said, as the servants nodded in fear.

As your mother was walking to exit the room, your friend just couldn't keep his mouth shut. "why don't you ask her to play as the wretched beast? she'd do a lot better than a fox." Kunikuzushi said.

You would be lying if you said you didn't almost pass out once again as your mother stopped in her tracks. Your brother just couldn't hold it, finally releasing a snort.

You stared at your friend with disbelief. "what?" He asked you, witnessing your face turn white as your mother slowly turned around to face you two.

"Oh you big brat!" Your mother yelled, not being able to contain her wrath as she pinched your friends ear, dragging him to the door.

"W—wait! Kuni-!" You yelled, chasing after them. Your brother tried to stop you, knowing that chasing him would only make things worse for you and your friend.

Fortunately, your brother was fast enough to get a strong grip on your shirt and stop you from running any further, you turned to glare at him before turning back to where your mom and your friend was.

You witnessed as your mother tossed him, his face hitting the hard ground as his head started to bleed with the compact. You gasped in anger, wanting to rush to his side but your brother just wouldn't lighten his grip.

"You rat, you are never to go near my daughter again. If I see you one more time I'm going to make sure you and your family's life a hellzone!" Your mother threatened.

You stared with guilt as Kunikuzushi stared with his usual face. Not even any sense of fear or anger resided in his form, only triggering your mother's anger to grow bigger.

"I think it's time to go now, Y/n.." Your brother said as he held you tightly. "I'll go talk to mother myself, you should get some rest." Your brother softly smiled at you.

The next thing you knew, the maids were dragging you to your bedroom while you tried to fight back, struggling to break free from their strong grip as you saw your mother beat up your friend.

sorry if there were any mistypes or wrong grammared sentences. and thanks for reading this even if I'm very inconsistent, hopefully this is the end of my writer's block..

Sealed || ScaramoucheTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon