Chapter one快点好起来

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Time was the enemy of eternity, time moves, eternity traps. It moves freely, doing whatever it wants while eternity tolerates. Lastly, time is an enemy of Kunikuzushi.

"Kuni, I got it! I got the bug!!" You happily yelled as the boy stared at you, unfazed. "Why does it seem like I'm the only one happy about this.."

"Why are you so happy about a single bug?" His vocabulary more wide than before as he slowly got used to communication, He asked.

It's been two years since you've met Kunikuzushi in that forest, and since then he's been the only friend you've had and the only friend you'll ever need, and it was the same way for him.

You sighed, "Ugh, people like you will never understand the currency and greatness of onikabutos!" You answered, turning your back from him, upset because of his boring reaction.

"Oh, that's cool." He replies, not having much emotion in the tone of his voice, but words enough to have brought a smile to your face.

"Eheh, see, see!" You laugh with pride.

"What's so cool about bugs anyway?" He asks again, your smile turning into a small frown.

"Hey! Onikabutos are not just bugs, but they're legendary fighters too! You don't know what you can win with these bugs. They're the most special most coolest most nicest most strongest bugs on earth so don't just call onikabutos simple bugs because-" You continued talking and explaining, not even noticing the bug slowly crawling off your hands onto the tree that you leaned onto while explaining.

"Y/n, the bug." Kunikuzushi notifies you, you raised your eyebrow before looking at your hand. Your eyes widened, seeing your hand empty and seeing it crawl away.

"Kuni! we've got to catch it!" You yelled, trying to climb into the tree to chase the bug while the boy just stood there, watching your attempts of climbing the tree.

Your legs and hands were slipping, the wood scratching on your skin, yet you were still determined to get that bug. Yet right when you thought you were getting closer up the tree, your head hit a branch and you fell on the ground.

"....." "........" "Blood." Kunikuzushi said while looking at your arm.

"What?" You asked, your mood dropping from the lost bug.

"Your arm." He pointed, you glanced at your arm to see it covered with blood and you yelled loudly.

Unfortunately, you screamed too loud. Allerting a certain someone who was looking for you in the same forest.

"Y/n?!?" You heard your brothers voice and he peeked his head through a nearby tree. He ran towards you and Kunikuzushi but quickly dropping down to where you were sat, on the ground, still haven't gotten up from when you fell off the tree. "Archons Y/n! you're so stupid! I told you not to look for any more bugs! I told you the next time you go out for bugs or exploring, take me with you!"

Your eyes started to water and your vision was getting blurry, the pain of the wood scraping your skin was starting to kick In.
"B-but I don't need your help! I can defend myself...."

Kunikuzushi stood there awkwardly, soon later, your brother took you away and left him alone there standing. He was about to leave and go back to his prison when he saw the same onikabuto you were chasing on the nearby tree.

- - -

"I am very sorry tha- OW!!" You were writting an apology letter to your teacher for skipping your class to find bugs but then you suddenly felt a rock hit the back of your head.

You looked to the ground to find a small rock that was used to hit your head. You sighed and rolled your eyes, thinking it was from your brother who wanted your attention and to shame you because you were grounded.

You then grinned mischeviously, getting the perfect idea for revenge. You picked the rock up, and without even looking who was out the window, you threw your rock, not expecting it to hit anyone or anything, but as a simple warning sign that you weren't up for play.

You then turned your back against the window and crossed your arms, smiling in victory.

"ow!" You heard from outside, you quickly turned as the voice caught your attention. That wasn't your brothers voice! Oh gosh, what if you might've accidentally hit a random stranger passing by.

You ran to the window, your hands resting on the windows below frame. You looked down outside to see no one there anymore but a box outside your door.

You raised your eyebrow then ran to the door, opening it and seeing a box with your name on it.

You were reaching to open it but then gasped, 'no! what if this is just a prank? and I'm actually being haunted by a bunch of spies and if I open this I'm gonna get tracked down and gonna have to run away from an army of military soldiers while my army of onikabutos fight them back?'

Obviously none of that was happening but a kid can dream. Then soon later you just opened it because you were curious anyway.

When you opened it, you found a caged onikabuto, and wait! You recognized this one. This was the one you were chasing before you fell off the tree! Your face lit up as you looked around the place to look for who dropped by.

Maybe even a little bit more excited than just catching a single rare onikabuto because of the possibility that your one special friend was the one that caught this for you.

You then sighed, a little dissapointed that no one showed up despite looking for so long. Suddenly, a heavy blow of the cold wind hit you. You shivered and headed inside to seek warmth.

You sat near the fire place, admiring the trapped onikabuto, completely forgetting about your apology letter. Well, that didn't matter, you were planning on skipping tomorrow too anyway.

You stared at the onikabuto for a short while, but then soon later you let out an exhausted yawn, maybe it was about time for sleep. You grabbed the box, planning on placing the onikabuto back inside, but before you could place it inside, a piece of paper finally caught your attention.

You then picked up the piece of paper and saw little writtings on it.

' get well soon. let's hunt bugs. - kunikuzushi.'

A soft smile reached your face, although you still felt a little mad that he used the term bugs even though you quite literally fell off a tree just so he could know how special this onikabuto is to you, you felt happy.
This story might twist some parts of the lore just to make the plot more reasonable.
Little warnings before proceeding into this story: Major character deaths, Violence, Language, I'll be sure to add more here when more gets added but also add a little warning in front of chapters just incase!

ain't no way there's an author who posted a prologue on January and finally posted a single chapter months after

sorry for typos or grammar errors:)

this CH kinda sucks but uh

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