Chapter 13

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I gasped, shooting up in my bed and tugging everything off of me, away from my throat, catching my breath as I wiped away the tears that had collected in my eyes.

"(Y/n)! Are you alright?" Hermione stood up quickly from where she was sitting on her bed with a book in her lap, rushing over with a concerned look on her face.

I nodded as I coughed, still gasping for air. It felt as though something had just strangled me for so long that I'd nearly. . . well, died.

"What happened," Hermione asked, patting my back as I coughed, "Did you choke on something?"

I shook my head. No, that wasn't it. But I didn't quite know what it was. I finally caught my breath and decided to just brush it off, "It's nothing. I'm alright."

"Are you sure," she questioned, still with that concerned look on her face as she kept her hand on my back.

I nodded before climbing out of bed, "Yeah, I'm sure. Must've been a dream." "A dream?" She looked at me like I was mental, "More like a nightmare. You're face was purple!"

"Oh." . . .Had I been strangled to the brink of death? Was that part of the dream I couldn't remember. . ?

No, that was ridiculous. Dream's couldn't hurt someone in the real world.

Either way, it was no biggie.

Hermione and I got dressed in our uniforms as she continued to ask me various questions, trying to figure out why I'd been so out of breath. Nothing seemed to make sense, though.

I really just wanted her to forget about it. Anyone else would've by now. No one at the Dursleys' ever cared about my nightmares. Well, no one besides Harry, though I didn't like waking him up for silly things like that.

We were walking down the stairs when she asked, "You don't think it could've been a ghost, do you?" I shook my head, shooting down that possibility, "Ghosts here aren't really invisible, and besides, why would a ghost want to strangle me anyway?"

Neville caught the last bit of our conversation, seeing as he was sitting at a table that was by the bottom of the stairs to our dorm.

"A ghost was choking you," he asked, sounding both quite confused and quite startled. "No," Hermione huffed, "But something was." "Nothing was choking me," I told her sternly, though I didn't really believe it myself.

She crossed her arms, "That's not what it looked like from where I was sitting." "Well, you also didn't see anything choking me, did you," I shot back, mimicking the way she crossed her arms.

She let out a small laugh before turning toward the door, "Whatever it was, I'm sure we'll figure it out. Either way, we've got to be headed to our classes."

I glanced over toward the only other door in the common room, figuring that was the door to the boys dormitories, "I should probably wait for Harry."

"If you wait for him, you're probably going to be late," she reasoned as Neville stood up and headed over toward the back of the portrait with her, "Besides, he'll be fine without you, won't he?"

I glanced back a the door, "Well. . ." I sighed, gripping anxiously onto the strap of my bag as I hesitantly walked over to Hermione, "I guess he'll be alright."

Our path to our classes was. . . difficult to navigate, to say the least.

We'd at least woken up early enough that the halls were practically deserted, and by the time we made it to our first class, we were still plenty early.

The next few classes were the hardest to find with how crowded the halls became and the fact that none of the hallways were in the same place as before, and the staircases had also seemed to move. Traveling between classes had to have been my least favorite part because of that stupid whispering.

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