Chapter 7

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Hours of the train ride had passed, and I found that chatting with Hermione and Neville was actually quite fun. It was weird being away from Harry for so long; usually, we were constantly around each other. . . Though, I suppose weird wasn't always bad.

"Where is Trevor anyway," I asked, now that he'd come up in conversation. We were talking about when Neville and I first saw each other.

"He should be right in here," Neville dug through his luggage, pulling out a small travel container that was obviously meant for his toad. However, it just so happened, that at the moment the container did not hold a toad inside of it.

"Oh no," Neville's face dropped. He looked absolutely mortified at the sight of the empty travel container.

He looked around the compartment frantically, clearly searching for his toad, "Trevor!?"

"What's wrong," Hermione asked while also looking around, "You haven't lost him, have you?" She sounded almost as anxious as he was.

Neville stood up, suddenly heading out of the compartment while yelling out in a panicked voice, "Gran's going to kill me!"

I rushed after him, and Hermione didn't take long at all to follow the both of us out of the compartment.

"He can't be that far gone," Hermione said, though she didn't really sound all that sure of herself.

"Don't worry Neville," I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. I'd seen Aunt Petunia do this to Dudley hundreds of times, though this would be the first time I'd ever seen it used for something reasonable. "We'll help you find him."

"Why don't we split up," Hermione suggested, still glancing around with her eyes darting over just about ever centimeter of the train corridor.

"I've got to find him," Neville sounded so panicked I'm sure he hardly even noticed that Hermione had said anything at all.

"You two go that way," I nodded in the direction Neville was already stumbling down before turning to the other side, "I'll see if he went this way."

"Alright," Hermione agreed, quickly nodding along to the idea. She then started to speed walk after Neville, stopping outside of the next compartment door, "Good luck, (y/n)!"

"You too," I shouted back at her, starting at the next compartment door in the other direction.

I pulled open the door, giving a fast look around before turning to one of the people inside of it. There was six of them, all girls, and they all looked a bit older than I was.

"Have any of you seem a toad," I asked the girl closest to the door desperately. Please tell me Trevor hadn't gone far at all!

She had short brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was really quite pretty, but that didn't seem all that important at the moment.

"Woah," she gasped, her eyes locked on my chin, "What happened to your-" The girl next to her leaned in to her in an attempt to whisper, though she wasn't very quiet at all, "You don't think that could be the Pot-"

"A toad," another girl piped up in a questioning voice. She had long, shiny dark hair and a freckled nose. She was really quite pretty, too. She turned to the girl sitting across from her.

The girl across from her had curly, reddish-blonde hair and light brown eyes. Now that I took a moment, I noticed all six girls were really quite pretty. This girl shook her head slightly before turning to me, "No toad in here, sorry."

I shut the compartment door without wasting another second, and I moved on to the next compartment. It was a really, incredibly long process. I went into every compartment that was on this side of the train as I passed them. I'd never spoken to so many people in my life!

I decided then that I wasn't really a fan of it-this whole speaking to people thing. Most of them seemed to realize quickly that I was a Potter, too. Curse that stupid scar on my face. . .

So far, I hadn't gone a single compartment without someone asking me about it. Not a single one.

Still, I continued on. "Toad in here?" "No." Shut door, move on. "Seen a toad?" "No." Shut door, move on. "Toad, anybody?" "No." Shut door, move on.

Of course, every interaction went a bit longer than that, but I'd started to learn I could just shut the door on people without all that much harm having been done.

Everyone had asked me about my bloody scar. I hated it. I hated it so much. It was bad enough I had to see it every time I looked at myself; I just wished it wouldn't be the first thing everyone paid attention to.

Take the first instance of this, for example:

"There's not a toad in here, is there?" A blond boy turned, a confused look on his face, "A toad? No, of course not." His friend slapped his arm, staring at me curiously, "Hey, aren't you that Potter-"

Without really thinking about it, my hand seemed to decide it'd had enough, shutting the compartment door as soon as my last name left his mouth.

I turned, heading onto the next compartment. . . and the next. . . and the next. . . and the one after that. . .

A routine had built at this point. I swung open the next compartment door, "Nobody in here's spotted-"

Another six people were in this one-five boys and one girl-, though one of the boys was holding a toad out in the middle of them all.

Only two of them paid me any attention at all. The rest of them watched as the boy with the toad held him out in his hands and another boy pulled his wand out of his pocket.

The girl sent a dirty look my way, "Get lost, kid." "Lottie," a third boy said her name in a scolding tone. He turned to me, looking up at me with apologetic, bright grey eyes, "Sorry about her. You're looking for something?"

"Yes, uhm, a toad," I sputtered out. Was everyone at this school good looking? He certainly was with his brown hair and his grey eyes.

He sat up in his seat, his head snapping in his friends' direction, "This toad?" "Maybe," I answered, honestly quite unsure, "If it's your toad then-" "It's not," he reached out, grabbing the toad from out of his friend's hands before the boy with his wand out could do anything to it.

"Hey!" "Ced, come on-" His friends shouted out complaints and released annoyed groans, though he didn't listen to them. "So sorry," he turned back to me, an embarrassed and apologetic look on his face. He reached his hands out to me, "Here's your toad."

I held my hands below his, letting him drop the toad into my grasp, "Thank you so much-" "Yeah, of course," he nodded, "Just glad you found it before it was too late." "Me too," I let out a deeply relieved breath, "Thanks again."

"No problem," he sent a polite smile my way, "I don't believe we've met. I'm Cedric Diggory, and you are?" My name? He was asking my name? "Oh," I froze for a moment. No one had asked my name; they all just said it. "(Y/n) Potter, and we haven't met, I'm only a first year."

Every other one of his friends turned, falling suddenly silent as they stared at me. I could feel their eyes on my scar.

But Cedric's didn't go down to my scar. He merely nodded, still with that polite smile, "Nice to meet you, (y/n)."

A smile forced its way onto my face, and I didn't even try to stop it. Someone hadn't minded the fact that I was a Potter. Someone hadn't treated me differently.

"You too, Cedric," I laughed a bit before I felt Trevor hop from inside of my closed hands, on to hit my palm. I looked down at my hands, suddenly remembering what I'd been doing this whole time, "Right. See you around!"

"See ya," Cedric responded as I turned around and started to jog down the corridor, "Hopefully you're in Hufflepuff!"

If it meant being around Cedric-the only someone who hadn't said anything about me being some sort of wizarding celebrity-I certainly wouldn't mind being a Hufflepuff. No, I wouldn't mind that much at all.

Word count: 1407

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