My body is aching. 

My skin is hot, too hot. 

I try to sit up but I can't. I look down at my body and see rubble all across me. The pain is unbearable. It feels like I'm being stabbed continuously over and over. My lungs burn as if I'm drowning in fire. 

"Myana!" I groaned in response to my name. "Myan- oh my God. I watched as Sage ran over to me. Her face is dirty and her forehead is bleeding. She pushed the rubble off of me. "What happened?" I ask.

"It blew up. The house blew up." I tried to calm down but my breathing is so shallow. I can't breathe. I can't inhale it hurts...

"I want to see...Alessio." I can tell I'm crying by the sound of my voice, except I don't even recognize the sound of my own voice. "Please take me to him." She sighed and looked around the ashes which once was a home. 

"Marsh! She wants Alessio we need to take her to Alessio. Help me!" I can feel them lifting me and I can see that they're talking but I can't hear anything. It's muffled. "Thank you." I mumble to Marsh. "It was for Merella." 

I can't feel the pain's still there but it's so subtle. 

"Hold on Myana, it's okay." I nod rapidly. I can feel we're in a car. I can see that my head is resting on Sages lap. 

I hear the door open. 

I hear yelling, but I can't make out the words. 

I see his face...

"Alessio..." I can feel a smile find it's way on my face. "Myana, baby...what- what happened? What happened love?" He runs his hand down my face. "It hurts." He wipes his thumb across my cheek, "I know, it's going to be okay."


*Alessio's POV* 

How could this happen? Why would she do this? Why would she lie? 

"The only thing I have ever fucking asked you Sage...the one and only thing I've asked you is to keep her fucking safe! I wanted her safe!" I watched Sage's eyes fill with tears as I continued to scream at her, until I collapsed...fell to my knees in the room where my girlfriend is being snitched up and examined in my basement. 

I'm crying. I am actually crying, sobbing so deeply that I cannot intake air into my lungs. 

"Shh it's okay baby..." The familiar scent of my mother is engulfed around me. "She's gonna be okay. You have to breathe." 

I can't.

"She's going to die, mom." My whole body is shaking. I can feel it. "No, no. She's not going to die. But you might if you do not breathe. Breathe, okay baby? Inhale, okay?" I did. I let the air fill my lungs and I looked around. No one is here but Myana, me and my mom. 

Everyone left...

Myana is hooked to machines, tubes through her nose. She doesn't even look like her. 

"I'm going to give you space, okay?" I nod and my mom leaves the room. 

Leaving me and my broken girlfriend alone. 

I pull up a chair next to the bed and sit. I want to grab her hand but I'm scared...I'm scared she's so fragile I might break her. 

But I grab it anyway, because I'm selfish like that.

" told me you were going to the movies and you come home in barley one piece. I don't understand." I jump as her eyes flutter. "Alessio.." Her voice is rough, it sounds pained. "I'm sorry." She says. 

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