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3rd person POV

Shaina Renea was born at 37 weeks on February 23rd, 2013 @ 3:23am. She weighed 5 lbs 6 oz, measuring 18 ½in long.

Juliette had a quite quick but miserable delivery. During the birthing of Shaina, Juliette's pelvis bone broke and caused serious injuries. Juliette had to be rushed to immediate surgery.

3hrs later

Juliette is back in the room and unconscious because, she lost a lot of blood. She needs a blood transfusion. Scotty is devastated, the dr told Scotty if her body rejects the blood she may not make it through the night.

Scotty pov

It's been 4hrs and Juliette is still unconscious. I'm waiting for the dr to come in and give me some feedback on what's going on. So hopefully i can find out what happened during the birthing.

30 minutes later

The dr walked in and said "Mr Mccreery. im happy to inform you that Juliette is showing signs of accepting the Blood, although she isn't showing us why her body put itself in a coma. We can put her on life support and go from there. You are more than welcome to come and go as you please if we put her on life support. However, I would like for you to get with the family and decide a decision for Ms Wilson. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. I will give you time to process this information. And also congratulations on the babygirl."

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