His smile dropped instantly, "What, why?"

You bite down on your lips stopping yourself from laughter as Taehyung who stood beside you takes this golden opportunity to speak up, "Because the car went towards Jimin."

"WHAT?" And he swiftly turned to see Jin laughing the hell out watching his defeat as Jimin waved at him, "Better luck next time Kook!" He teases again and Jungkook gasps, "YOU TRAITORS!" He whines stomping towards the car, slowly laughing himself as you and Taehyung joins, following right behind him, "Let's go come on."

At the end of the day it was refreshing to see everyone back together again. He felt complete, although last time he was sad on the night out at his home because it didn't go as he thought, the day-to-day substituted it all. Watching his friends happy and being his greatest supporters was everything he could wish for and he was lucky to have them all.


"It was all Y/n's plan" Namjoon pointed out, tilting his head behind his shoulder's towards Jungkook who was sitting right beside you in the back seat. "You?" He surprisingly turned to you, "I thought it was Taehyung who told everyone about it."

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, I knew about it but it was all Y/n's idea." He praised you as you were getting embarrassed at the sudden compliments. "No, I-I just wanted to encourage you," You mumbled softly, clasping your fingers tight shyly as Jungkook saw you getting nervous and giddy.

A sudden smile covered his lips witnessing how adorable you were, "My bestie is the best" Jungkook admires you, tucking his hands behind your back and enveloping your shoulder in his grasp and ruffling your hair as you fill your cheeks with air, pouting in anger at him.

"Oh, yeah." His smile got widened, "No ruining your pretty hair," he retracted his hand from your hair, "Got it ma'am" and he chuckles replacing it on your shoulder and letting it stay there simply laughing out.

Nobody, not a single person in this car had a freaking idea of how your heart was pumping as if it was going to burst open soon. His hand was still on your shoulder and this was new. Being so close to hover arms around each other. It was a simple gesture but it weighed a ton on your weak fragile heart.

This was your last happy day with him and you just wanted to be happy without any regrets. Leaving all the boundaries behind you and stepping up to make this day as happy as it could be for you too because it was ending tomorrow.

"Do you really think I could let go of you after ruining my hair?" You coughed, eyeing him with evil thoughts in your mind. "No, Y/n." realizing he pulled your nerve this time Jungkook raised his hands in surrender, "I apologize, have mercy." and he laughed out again joking as your face reddened.

"You know I'm not letting you go with this!" You reach for his tie and pull him down to your face ruining his hair almost... but in time his strong hands stopped you, clasping both of your wrists in one hand and lowering them down. "You think that those little hands of yours can reach my hair," he chuckled, "Nah."

You twisted your hands from his grip as he enjoyed seeing you struggling so much when he just softly gripped you, not hurting you at all and yet you couldn't get away from his grip.

"Jungkook!" You yell as he smiles, still being damn close to your face, "Yes?"

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" You groan with both of your brows furrowed, your face flushed red and your pink lips pouted in anger. "You're cute." Jungkook genuinely comments, flickering your nose, laughing in the last to tease you and as you were about to fight him the car stopped.

"We're here," Jin announced, "Let's eat something first." he completed his sentence by getting out of the car whereas Jungkook let go of your wrist that moment only to get startled when you push him against the window. His eyes are widened as you get on your knees to balance the height.

Slamming both of your palms on either side of his face you pierce your gaze at him, "Tease me again and see what I'm capable of." You whisper against his nose, scaring him, but oh god he wasn't scared let alone quiet for no reason. His chest started to drum again at the close contact.

"Yo, get up!" Hobi startles both of you while waking up Yoongi and Jimin. Clearing your throat you try to move but suddenly slip missing the seat only to fall head on Jungkook's chest. "Ow!" Your face is pressed against his chest and your hand on his thigh. "I'm so sorry-"

And there it was.

Your eyes widened when you heard a big loud beat echoing in your ears. It was a pacing heart that you were very familiar with. Was it coming from Jungkook's chest? You immediately look up at him with your round eyes finding him already staring at you.

You blink and his heartbeat quickens. You gasp and he realizes immediately how you were too close to his heart. He picks you up and holds you away with your shoulders, "A-are you okay?"

"Oh, I think so..."

Hobi shouts again taking your and Jungkook's attention. He started waking up Yoongi and Jimin who were sleeping peacefully in front of you not being bothered by your fight by even a slight.

"Woah, they sleep so well," Hobi mentioned giving up as Taehyung peeked inside the car, "Need some help?"He asks. "Please," Hobi told as Taehyung came inside the car from the other side of the door, "Just watch." he licked his lips, making you and everyone in the car interested to see what was coming.

Bending towards the sleeping Jimin, Taehyung whispered something in his ears and within a few seconds Jimin jolted up, "WHO SAID THAT!" Everyone got startled, even waking up Yoongi from his sleep, nudging his eyes, "Why the fuck you screaming man!"

Coming back to the world Jimin flutters his eyes, "I just heard someone call me short. "Hearing him say that everyone burst into a peal of laughter, "Damn that was easy." Hobi wiped his wet tears of laughter and waited for Yoongi to get out as Jimin yawned, getting off confused.

Pulling down the seat for you and Jungkook Taehyung forwards his hands towards you to help you out. "Thanks" You brightly smile as Taehyung clasps your hand tight helping you out and just as you got out you turn away immediately raising your hands towards Jungkook.



He could strangle me and I could be thankful

He could strangle me and I could be thankful

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