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anywa!! part 2 X3!! UWUWUQU

OKA so where we keft off was me havibg big fat boobie sexual intercouse with 2 baba gills okey? oke. so basically we cummeded and i had 2 kids bc botbbgot pregnanart and both grew up and married oh 1 is bisexual and she likes boobars and the other is an f boy but hes closeted (he likes men) (penis) (dick) (homosexual) okay anyway (anyway was the 69th word lololololol funne)

so bodacious peep and the other ones name that i cant remmeber so im renaming him to wait nvm i think his name was jimblo NVM HAHAHA I REMENEBR TNANK YOU OHONE AUTOCORRECT😊😊😊😈😈😈😂😂🤤🤤

OKEY oke oka oek ak oak ak so badiclaly theyre dead i have a famjam

we move on to their descendants and my son (the closeted f boy who likes dicka nd is in love witj his bestffiend but his bestfirned is a bitch bad boy homophobe transphobe country yeeyee fuckturkey and cant shut the fuck up and so the fboy son is supe rsuper closeted but im his parent so ik a homosgggual when i see one habaabab [~ya sha ya sha ya sha~])

anywyas again so he rlly like this guy? okay? undertand taht? he blucshy when he see this alpha boy and they are hanging out fishing or sum like idfk whateverthe fukc country fuckturkies do and so they get home
(they like 18 or ehateva but they live w their mommies bc they still youngish and repeated scjopl bc they goofy off in class okey idk when ppl graduate okey) and so they come home to my house and my babe bitches and i were at hotel fucking (again)

and so they go in my fboy sonny boyahs room (his name gonna be sum cool bc i aint naming my sonny boyah some basic goofy ahh white ahh boy name) (his name gonna be uuuuuuhhhgggggbnmmffmmmmmhhhhnnnmmhgffffggggggggghh uhh ummm um uh uh ummm his name honna be Zenyth yaeh okay it stupid but not basic and i jist mixed random shat togetwhr bc it cool swag fart okeyyyyyyahh!!! and also the other kid's nam is Vienna okey? okeah.)

and so they get to the room and some elctrucy shat goes on ohhh!!!mmmmmggggg!!

they unpack from their smelly fish trip n shit n so Zenyth Zen for short goes to shower bc he smells like acfual ficking fisj and that shit stanky as hail so eyah and hos white hoe boy country stanker friend Dylan okay i like thar name no judge okey so badiclaly he get out of the shower and Dylan goe and shower too and then they slep in Zenny wennus rom and so they only got 1 bed BUT Dylan and Zen didnt give to fat fuckeries and slept in the same bed

but plot twist aka not rlly a plot twost bc we alrdy knew Zen was a fucking homosexual wht the fuck anuwaus he all nervous and Dylan wondrong why Zen was kinda shaky and ask what wrong and Zen say that he cold even tho they sharing a thick ass blanekt so Dylan is being nice for once bc he not around other fucktickywickadicks that peer presusre him to be a farttart and so he nice nice kind nice so sweet and nice to Zenny poo

Zen usually okey and chill bc he an fboy and they eh ab eveufhing bc they think they cool or whateva (theyre not) but.. Oh noes!!!! Zen is nervois bc he is a GODDAMN MOTHEFUCKING FUCKER FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK FUCKER FUCKGAY BICTH!! OH MY GOD!!! anyway so now Dyldo us concernmeng for his booboo bear and he rolls over to fac him and so does Zendaya and they are kinea close bc they fucjing gay (woah!!! Dyldo is gay too??? what the fuck)

and yhey sweat and it rlly quiet rn exceot the fan in tjeir room taht wong shut the fuckity fucker fuck fuck fuckty fucker fucking fuckering fuck the fuck up and tehy kinda do a goofy gay fruity fucking ass stare and then Dyldo smooches Znes lippies (uwu) and then Zen smoches back nd then they staer in shock and then they kinda mroe nevrous more nervousness agan! (ong broski..!) and so tehy get scRed bc they supposed to be alpha males so they loke wtf why did we just kiss each otehr bro... my g! omg! broksi! broksey!

Dyldo leavss the room bc his fragile masculinity just shattered and he cri cri cri weep and cri and then Zen sits up and at this point he scared too and didnt excpet that and anwyay

he walk out of the room and hear Dylan crie and so he say sorry and Dlydo doesng say shit bc he a fucking gay slur (im lgbt plus sign dont cancel me) and then Zen open the door bc their bathroom lock broken adn Dlyna is on the flor (so emotional and sad ik) and he wip his tear and they make out

ut oh and now youre gonna have to eait for a part 2 of chapter 2 i sorry 💔 goodbye bicth

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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