chater 1

104 3 1

one day there was a cube that morphed into a penis man

and he stuck is fattie pp into jimblo who was just frolicking around the lovely land of meepcity until the pp phat penis man stuck his juicy fart penis into jimblo who was caught off gaurd and then starting drooling because he gay and like penis a lot lol yeah he love it anyway so

the penis man whose name was bodacious peep thrusted fast until jimblo farted all his cum out and then they died

but oh my god!! they revived into demon alpha hybrids and jimblo cried because bodacious peep was sharting all over him!! jimblo peed and they started arguing until bodacious peep pulled out a MASSIVE mega america gun and shot jimblo

jimblo dies next day later in hospital

and bodacious peep doesnt attend jimblos funeral because bodacious peep is a fat bastard bitch ass goofy ass white ass goofy ass straight cis male fat idiot bastard male whore bastard ass hoe

next day after not attending jimblos funeral bodacious peep finds a HOT SWEET MAMA MIA BABEY BABISH BABE and he fucks her geometric roboussy

the babe tells him that she doesnt actually like men and that she hates him because she found out that he fucked her brother (OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK!!! PLOT TWIST!! WOAH!! OH MY FUCKY FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING FUCKERY FUCKERING FUCKER FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCKING GOD!! WHAT THE HELL!)

anyways she goes and gets w a HOT BOOB BABE and they have epic babe sex and then i join them and we have a 3som and i enter my phat non existent transgender pp into their babussy

and then bodacious peep cried throws up pisses sharts vomits bleeds exercises and then shits then dies and his grave is by jimblo because he has to face the consequences of being a fat male bastard hoe male whore fatty fat bitch bastard coocoo idiot male bitch hoe fat stupid fatty

then i marry the 2 babes and adopt cats and we have cat family and have great sex every day and live in castle mansion and own rich stuff (and own robux roblox david bazooki company because we that rich we make p0rnos for money we so rich)

the end!!! (im rich)

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