Chapter 1

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Notes:  Hi everyone!

Thank you for choosing to read 'One Night Is All It Takes.'

A small project I'm hoping will have you laughing and on the edge of your seat.

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Thank you for your support and enjoy! <3


Harry wakes up with a pounding headache, his phone in his hand and as per usual, naked. He looks up meeting his roommate, Niall's eye. Niall doesn't say anything about seeing Harry's bare ass on display but that was how they first met anyway.

You see, Harry moved in early, he wanted to get a feel for the place and organize it before his roommate decided to show up. He was working, moving stuff around but clothes felt too constricting, so Harry being the genius he is decided to go nude. He had Madonna blasting through the speakers and was strutting around with a broom and dustpan but little did he know, there was someone yelling behind him. And to his horror, he comes face to face with what he could only assume was his new roommate, Niall Horan.

Things were awkward at first, with Harry not being able to meet Niall's eye but eventually, Niall broke the ice. He walked in with a few boxes on moving day and told Harry exactly how it is, "I saw your arse and maybe a sliver of your penis. It can only go up from here." And he was pulled into a hug, leaving Harry wondering how his new roommate was so calm about seeing parts of him he wasn't sure most people had seen.

Harry stops remising the old times and attempts to peel himself off the hardwood floor.

"What Horan?"

Niall bats his eyelashes indicating to Harry that he wants something from him. Harry rolls his eyes and walks into the restroom hoping to take a wee but nope, Niall was hovering over him like a puppy.

"Niall, please tell me what you want so I can take a leak."

Harry sighs and rubs his head, wondering if he should do his extensive skincare routine. But, beauty was hard and beauty was pain and Harry was all of that wrapped up and baked into a pie. He knew he was good-looking, he took extra care of his skin, hair, and pretty much every body part he could reach. Harry practically had the school drooling at his feet but with a face like this, was he supposed to expect any less?

While Harry brushes his teeth, he makes eye contact with Niall in the mirror, who finally starts speaking.

"H, my beautiful, beautiful, and extremely hot best friend. I need a favor."

Harry spits and cocks an eyebrow towards Niall who blows him a kiss.

"I need help."

Harry flips around, catching Niall's eyes who quickly glance him over and look back up.

"No blowjob," Harry says through a mouthful of toothpaste, earning a loud laugh that makes Harry's head throb.

"While you're incredibly attractive, I am very straight."

"Says the one who stares at my dick."

"You constantly have it out and expect me not to look!"

Harry chuckles and rinses his mouth out, waving a hand at Niall to continue.

"I need you to cover my shift."

Harry stops mid-swish of mouthwash and turns around attempting to give his best murder eyes. He spits out the leftover mouthwash and threateningly glides over to Niall.

One Night Is All It Takes - L.S.Where stories live. Discover now