Chapter 2 The Fallout

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Y/n backs out of the driveway and heads to school. She then blasts "A View To Kill" by Duran Duran. The only good thing about high school is the drive to and from it. Y/n loves loves singing along. A small escape from the real world.

"Until we dance into the fire
That fatal kiss is all we need
Dance into the fire
To fatal sounds of broken dreams
Dance into the fire
That fatal kiss is all we need
Dance into the fire"

Y/n starts the day in Mrs. Phillips English class. Your class just started reading "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.

Normally you would be bored to tears. You were never much of a reader besides fashion and teen magazines. But now that you are pretty much a loner, you focus more on school. It's a distraction from being incredibly lonely.

You should try to make new friends. But you spent so many years with the same clique, it would be weird trying to start over. Besides, everyone knows what happened. If you try to make new friends they won't think it's sincere. They'll think your just desperate.

Your sitting in the back corner of the room while a couple of your old cheerleader friends sit on the opposite side. You see them talking and looking at you. You know they are talking about you. It's so obvious. You look out the window and see a van speed into the parking lot. You watch as a dark haired guy wearing a jean jacket adorned in patches and pins runs into the school. Obviously late.

"Okay class your homework is to read chapter two tonight and tomorrow we will discuss it." Mrs. Phillips says as she erases the chalkboard

Later that evening you are in your bedroom. You finished all of your homework. There is nothing else to do. Your parents are downstairs watching TV. You grab your keys and go for a ride. You tell your parents your going to the library to do research on a project.

You know for a fact your parents, especially your mother, is resentful of the fallout between you and Jason.

Your parents are also friends with the popular kids parents. These friendships run deep and this whole situation caused a crack.

Although your mother was not against you having a termination, she was royally pissed that you got pregnant. She told you not to tell anybody. This includes your friends and Jason. But you thought you could confide in them and instead they used it against you.

You were called all the names. Slut, whore, skank, baby killer, etc. from your friends and fellow team mates. You decided not to continue with cheerleading this upcoming school year. You were not welcome anymore.

You know what happened to Jason?  Jack shit! Everybody acted like you were the sole reason of this pregnancy. He got none of the persecution you experienced.

Jason, was clearly scared when you told him you were pregnant. He was relieved with your decision. You figured afterwards things would go back to normal. You'll finally get to go on birth control now.  You wanted to go on the pill for a while but you didn't know how to bring it it up to your mother without her exploding into a rage. She always talked about how precious virginity is and how nobody will want to buy the cow if they can get the milk for free.

Jason ended up giving you a half assed breakup a couple of days after your procedure. He took you for a drive, then parked not far from Skull Rock on a humid July night. You remember hearing the crickets and seeing the fireflies. Then he spewed out a half assed excuse why you and him shouldn't be together anymore.

Once he dropped you off your life changed forever.

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