Chapter 14: No means no.

Start from the beginning

"Oh fuck Chris" Luna moaned as she enjoyed the feeling of Chris's lips on her skin.

"This is what's gonna happen baby, I'm gonna go back out there and I'm gonna make an excuse to leave. Then you're gonna wait fifteen minutes and you're gonna say you've called an uber. Then you're gonna meet me out the front and I'm taking you back to my place"

"But I can't leave Rex on his own" She spoke moving to look him in the eyes,

"Then we'll go to yours"

"But what about Dodger, you can't leave him alone"

Chris chuckled; he thought it was adorable how she thought about Dodger and him being all alone.

"Don't worry darling, he's at my ma's house"

"Oh good, then yeah lets do that"

Chris smiled before leaning down to peck her lips, "you go out first, I'll wait two minutes before coming back to the table"


He held the door open for her, she moved to leave before looking back at him, "are you gonna wait in the ladies toilets? Bit creepy don't you think?"

Chris let out a hearty chuckle as he gently pushed her out the door, 'just go' she winked at him before leaving and heading back to the table, taking the seat she previously occupied.

About two minutes later Chris came back from the toilet, heading straight to whisper in Scott's ear. Luna couldn't hear the conversation from the other side of the table but she assumed he'd given Scott some excuse about him leaving. Chris then begun to say goodbye to everyone else, stopping at Luna.

"Nice to see you Luna" he smiled from across the table,

"Yeah you too Chris" she was trying her best to keep her cool, but every time he spoke it was like she just melted in to a puddle. He finished his goodbyes before leaving, not before looking back and winking at Luna, and then he disappeared in to the sea of people in the club.

Luna did what he said, she waited fifteen minutes before telling Cece she wasn't feeling great and had ordered an Uber to pick her up. She said her goodbyes to everyone and she could've sworn Scott gave her a funny look, like he didn't really believe her reason for leaving.

"Make sure you stay by security if your Uber isn't here yet okay and let one of us know when you get home okay?" Ed said to his sister after trying to insist he'd walk her out only for her to turn him down.

"Yes Ed I will don't worry" she smiled at him before saying one final goodbye and making her way out of the VIP area. She made her way through all the bodies in the club to get to the exit. She was almost there when she felt a hand grab her by waist pulling her back. She looked up to see an obviously very drunk man staring down at her,

"Hey baby what's your name?" the man slurred, gripping her hips tighter,

"Not interested" she said, managing to pull free from his grasp and quickly making for the exit. As she got outside she felt the fresh air hit her, welcoming the cool breeze.

Suddenly she was spun around by two hands on her waist, gripping her tightly, "where do you think you're going?" it was the same guy from before, "I wasn't finished talking to you" he spoke as he moved his face close to hers, attempting to kiss her.

"I told you I'm not interested" She couldn't free herself from his grasp this time, he was too strong.

All of a sudden she felt the man be ripped away from her as someone threw him up against the wall of the club.

"She said she wasn't interested, what don't you understand about that?" Chris growled as he held the stranger up by his shirt. The guy was squirming, trying to get away from him.

"Look man I'm sorry, I didn't realise she was with someone"

"She told you no what more do you need?" Luna watched as Chris slammed the guy back against the wall again. She'd never seen him like this. His nostrils flared, cheeks flushed and his eyes dark with anger. It was fucking turning her on. God she had issues.

Chris was brought out of his fit of rage by a soft hand on his arm. He looked down to see Luna staring up at him,

"It's not worth it, let's just go."

As much as he wanted to fucking kill this guy for daring to lay a finger on her, she was right, he should walk away. He let go of his grip on the guy's shirt as he fell to the floor.

"No means no." Chris spat at the stranger before putting his arm around Luna guiding her towards a cab he had waiting for them.

"Let's get you home sugar."

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