"Dad have one too many again?" Lip inquired. Ian shook his head, "you just gotta ignore him when he's like that, Debs," he told her.

Hollie put her arm out for Debbie to hug her, "come on, Debs, come watch Cosmos with us. Forget dad," she said.

"Why do you always blame dad first?" asked Debbie.

"Who else is there?"

"She's over at Sheila's," said Debbie making everyone look at her confused.

"Who?" asked Steve.

"Monica," said Debbie. Everyone but Steve shared a knowing look. "Who the hell is Monica?" asked Steve.

"Our mother," said Lip.

Fiona stood up and walked towards Debbie, intending to comfort her, "Debs, did you s—?"

Debbie jumped back, tears rolling down her face, "What do you care?" she snapped, "you'll be living with Steve in that house he bought next door." She sobbed before running up the stairs.

Everyone turned to look at Steve who shifted uncomfortably, "surprise," he said awkwardly.

Ian sighed and stood up, "I'm going to work," he announced as he headed towards the door.

Fiona tried to stop him as he walked past her and grabbed his coat, "Ian come on, wait,"

"Mommy. Mommy," Liam babbled sadly. Hollie softly stroked his hair, "I know,"

"Mommy," Fiona sighed deeply as she leaned her back against the wall and slid down so that she was sitting on the floor.


"Apologies? For walking out on this price of shit?" asked Monica incredulously as she stood in front of Frank in Sheila's living room.

Sheila shook her head, "No. For walking out on them," she said gesturing to Hollie, Fiona, Lip, Debbie, Carl and Liam in his stroller, Veronica was with them too, who had all just walked through the front door and were now standing in the living room doorway.

Monica turned to face them. Hollie felt like she'd been punched in the gut, she hadn't seen her mother for years and there she was standing in the middle of Sheila's living room.

"Oh, my god." Monica gasped. Veronica stuck her head through the doorway to make herself visible. "It's alright. I'm not one of yours. Just came to rubberneck." She said shooting Monica a dirty look.

Monica raised her hand to her mouth as she looked at six of her seven children standing in front of her and began to cry.


Liam babbled incoherently as he sat in his stroller in front of the plastic-wrapped couch. Fiona and lip both sat in the armchairs while Hollie sat on the edge of the couch closest to Fiona and furthest away from Monica, Carl sat beside her and Debbie sat beside their mother.

Monica looked around at all of their faces, "you're all so big," she said fondly, "I missed you so much,"

Debbie wrapped her arms around her legs that she had pulled up to her chest, "why didn't you take us with you?" she asked.

"Because..." Monica's gaze shifted from Debbie to Fiona and Hollie, "...I knew you'd be fine with Fiona and Hollie," she said making them both scoff quietly.

A little while later, Lip had gone outside for a smoke and Monica and Frank had started arguing again.

"I can't believe you sucked me back in here for money!" Monica yelled at Frank.

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