"Or you could just ditch that plan, be a good person, and find someone who doesn't want to exploit your money before ditching you after a few hours." I say, frowning.

"I think he's forgotten what this trip's all about." Sugino says.

"Yeah. That wasn't your average fifteen-year-old's vacation plans." Nagisa agrees.

"That won't work!" A feminine voice suddenly pipes up, catching Maehara's attention. The blond looks up at the tree right next to him. "Giant stag beetles're old and busted."

"Kurahashi!" Maehara says.

"Morning! You're here to scrape up some spending money too, huh?" She says with a smile.

"Hey, what do you mean, stag beetles are old and busted?" Sugino asks as he, along with Nagisa and I catch up to the two. Kurahashi climbs down from her tree.

"Well..." She starts. "I guess they were super valuable right around when we were born, but today's artificial breeding methods have saturated the market, bringing their prices way down."

"You mean the beetle bubble burst?!" Maehara asks in disbelief. "I figured one beetle would make around enough to cover one babe..."

"No way." Kurahashi says, waving a hand. "These days, babes are way more expensive."

"Agreed." I say, giving Maehara a glare. He cowers like a scolded child. He hasn't talked about that kind of thing in a while. And here I was thinking he was snapping out of it and finding someone he actually does like, even if it isn't me...

"You sure know a lot about this, Kurahashi. Are you into bugs?" Sugino questions, shaking me out of my sour thoughts. Instead of glaring at my friend, I opt for a nearby tree instead. I'm sorry tree, you've done nothing wrong. Well, that I'm aware of, anyways.

"Yep! Along with every other living thing!" She responds. "Hey, since we're all here... Let's all go bug-hunting!" Kurahashi exclaims excitedly, pumping a fist in the air. "We're bound to find tons if we all try!"

"Ok. It would be nice to learn more from someone so experienced." I say. Moments later, we arrive at a trap Kurahashi had set earlier.

"Mmm. Pretty nice haul." Kurahashi hums.

"Whoa! Did you set this?" Sugino asks, eyes widened in amazement.

"Its a home-made trap of mine. I put it out last night. There are about twenty more of them out there, so that's about eight-hundred yen for each of us if we're lucky!" Kurahashi explains.

"Not too shabby for a side job!" Sugino says appreciatively.

"I hope we caught the one I was looking for!" Kurahashi says, taking a step forward to start off towards the next trap.

"What an inefficient trap." Another voice interrupts. "And you call yourselves the E Class?"

"Okajima!" We exclaim, spotting our classmates perched in a tree and staring down at us.

"Pulling in a measly eight-hundred yen at a time? Yeah, right. My trap'll bring in a cool ten billion!" He scoffs, leaping down in front of us.

"Ten billion... You don't mean—" Nagisa starts.

"Oh, but I do." Okajima says. "If we're planning an assassination on this tropical isle, that octopus is bound to let his guard down in the meantime." He says, leading us deeper into the woods. I hate to admit it, but he's got a point there. "And that's what I'm after!" He growls, stopping and peeking through some bushes. Is that... Korosensei? A bright pink Korosensei in a beetle costume sits on top of a pile of porn magazines in the middle of the woods, reading one of them. What even is this image?!

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