chapter 19 - first day intership

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Third POV

A morning day in ua everyone already go to their internship and now let's go to michael/izuku and the others scene

Michael/izuku, armaros, liona, and raian standing in front of the old house that where's gran Torino live

Liona: so.... This is where your gramps live...

Michael/izuku: haha yep

Raina: well what are we waiting for let's Go inside!!!

Michael/izuku open the door and suddenly they see gran Torino laying on the floor with a sauce tomato in the floor


Gran Torino: *gets up* im alive

Everyone sigh relief that gran Torino still alive and one of them is almost getting a heart attack

Gran Torino: it's been a long time izuku my little grandbean

Michael/izuku: hey gramps! It's been a long and can you please just call me michael, because you know about what happen right...?

Gran Torino: ah yes i heard everything from nezu, those fool already makes me dissapointed and nana will definitely the most who dissapointed

Michael/izuku: yes it will

Gran Torino: *look at raina* and looks like you already grown up raina

Raina: *chuckle* Hey Gran Torino you remember me

Gran Torino: yes i am you are just like your Mother *look at liona and armaros* and you guys must be my grandson friend

Liona: *chuckle* more than friend, we're best friend

Gran Torino: *look at armaros* and you must be my grandson boyfriend right

Armaros: yeah, how did you know?

Gran Torino: nezu

Michael/izuku: *thought* really uncle nezu

Gran Torino: *grind* now let's Get started shall we




Let's skip

Gran Torino teach them and train their quirk and how to control them

Liona- Gran Torino train him how to control the crystal and teach him how to make a weapon, he also teach him how to make a giant crystal from the ground, and make everything float too

Gran Torino: okay liona close your eyes and make yourself calms and feels the power that inside you

Liona follow the instruction and he suddenly feel a big aura power in her body

Gran Torino: and.. NOW!!

liona put her hand together and make a crystal come from the ground, make the crystal float, and weapon coming out of no where

Liona: ... Hehe... Whoops

Gran Torino: great job liona you doing it great but control the crystal or i will beat your ass

Liona: *nod fast* y-yes sir

Raina- gran Torino teach raina how to make a fox clones, how to invisible, and how to make her senses more sharp

Gran Torino: okay raina close your eyes and feel the oppenent movement

Raina close her eye and gran Torino jump to attack him and then raina make her clones and gran Torino attack the clones

Someone lift gran Torino and throw him to the roof turns out it's raina he became invisible, he turns back to visible and close her eyes

Raina feel Gran Torino movement and he hold her feet and throw him in the wall

Gran Torino stomp the wall with her feet and walk to him

Gran Torino: great job Raina you did great

Raina: *smile* thanks Gran Torino

Armaros- Gran Torino teach the three armaros, he teach demon armaros how to calms and more relax because he's has an anger issues and it's more worse than the bakugos, he teach angel armaros how to make a weapon from ice, and teaching armaros how to make a weapon from her feather

Michael/izuku- and last but not least is michael/izuku Gran Torino teach him how to control her her quirks soul, and how to control fire and ice




Lets skip because im lazy here

After the training they go outside for a little walk and get a fresh air, but suddenly there's a 20 villain come to them

Liona: looks like there's no rest for us *grind* let's Get started shall we

Raina: *smirk* i know what you talking about

Michael/izuku: it's time to kick some ass

The villain run toward them and start to attack them, liona use her crystal to make them stuck and attack them with a hammer

Michael/izuku attack them with fire ghost and use her music funkin note to knock them out

Raina makes her clones, the villain attack the fake one and suddenly raina come out of know where and kick one of the villain face and the face had blood and a nosebleed

Armaros turns split and attack them one by one, armaros use her feather to distract them, demon armaros blasting her fire ball, and angel armaros make an ice and they stuck in the ice

After the villain was knock out they turn around and see gran Torino smiling at them

Gran Torino: great job you four, you learning so fast than i thought

Liona: thanks Gran Torino but we here not to fight a villain

Armaros: we here just want to learns about what meant to be heroes

Raina: we become a heroes not for money or a fame

Michael/izuku: we want to be a true heroes for everyone

After hearing that Gran Torino smiling proud at them because he's know that they will become a true heroes likes nana Shimura

TBC (to be continued)

Words = 883

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