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I had this thing outlined as a young teen many years ago, nothing complete, only random paragraphs. The girl was supposed to be Lisbeth Salander from the Millennium Trilogy, but as I rewrote this idea many years later, I don't feel as connected to her anymore. I've left her name out and made her more vague so it can work as a Morpheus x reader/OC fiction without having to go the y/n way or using 2nd person POV (she's an OC now because Lisbeth would never do these things). 

These events take place roughly after The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (in case someone still wants to imagine her as Lisbeth) and after The Sound of Her Wings. Dream is still himself, with the note that this version of my fanfiction incorporates him from the Sandman series too (the old version being exclusively from the comics).

 Dream is still himself, with the note that this version of my fanfiction incorporates him from the Sandman series too (the old version being exclusively from the comics)

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I haven't written anything for years so excuse my weird prose/dialogue. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.

The Shades of Dreams: a Sandman fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now