Perrie didn't have to see anymore.She hugged Leigh-Anne.

"I cant believe you really brought it. I've been thinking about this place since the first time we passed it."

"I know. Think of it as a gift. From you to yourself"


"You earned it, You really deserve it, I'm really proud of you. I knew you could do it but it's different actually seeing you do it everyday. You got better and began helping others who are in similar situations that you once were yourself and that told me everything I needed to know. The way you take care of Sasha shows me what a great mother you will be one day. Which leads me to. . ."

"Are you pregnant!?"

"Should I be?" Leigh-Anne asked with a little chuckle.

"No, oh my god. You nearly gave me a heart attack. Don't do that!"

"You assumed"

"True.Listen, I love you so much. And no matter how hard you try to give me all the credit just know that you played the biggest role in my journey. You believed in me which made me believe in myself, you were patient with me even when I was a pain in your ass and you never gave up on me. You never threw anything back in my face. I know I had my moments, like a few weeks ago, I was such a bitch to you and you didn't deserve any of it. I've been meaning to apologize to you. I shouldn't be like that to you, even when I'm having a bad day. You're my best friend, my right hand and most importantly the love of my life. I can't even begin to thank you for everything you've done for me. I can't wait to start this next chapter, i wouldn't want to do it with anyone but you."

"Awww baby,I love you too. Please don't curse me out anymore, it really hurts my little feelings"

"I won't. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you. I can't wait to break this house in, If you know what i mean"

"Ugh, you get on my nerves" Perrie smiled kissing her. Leigh-Anne began to get handsy.

"We don't even have a furniture, were not doing it on the floor. Have some class, Woman" Perrie laughed

"Yeah but we have a marble countertop" She mumbled into her neck.

"Bye" Perrie walked away wanting to finish the looking around.

She was in the closet when Leigh-Anne joined her.

"Stop pouting" She kissed her pouty lips making her smile.

"When we get back we can do whatever you want."

"Yeah right" Every time they would try to have private time, Sasha would call Perrie. For any and everything. A cup of water, a warm blanket, socks, to wipe her forehead or open the blinds.Before she fell into a coma that is.

"I promise. Look at how big this closet is. It will be like ninety eight percent your stuff"

"You wear all my clothes anyway."

"So. . . . hold on" Perrie began doing a pat down when her phone rang.


". . . Is she okay?"

". . .Is she really?"

"Okay, i'm on my way.Thanks" She hung up

"Come on Leigh, we'll finish another time"

"Is she up?"

"Yeah. We have to goooo" Leigh-Anne smiled seeing Perrie so excited.

They hurried back to the facility.

"Shes asking for you Perrie" One of nurses said once they came into the building.

Perrie rushed up to the medical ward dragging Leigh-Anne along.


" i'm so glad that you're awake and okay my love"

"Did i die?"

"No, you didn't die baby" Perrie hugged the girl tight. Hearing her asked that question made her heart hurt.

"Do you see how serious this is now Sasha? This is not a game"

"I see, I see it. Im sorry. I'm so so sorry Perrie."

"Don't apologize to me, Apologize to yourself. You keep up with this and you will fall into a deep sleep that you wont wake from"

"Dont scare her like that Perrie" Leigh-Anne lightly scolded, she knew that perrie was trying to use a scare tactic but the girl is fifteen and she just experienced something traumatic.

"Okay, sorry, i shouldn't have said that but please don't do it again. You have so much to see, you have such a long life ahead of you. Don't cut it short."

Sasha nodded hugging Perrie once more before she got up hugging Leigh-Anne.

"Thank you. You saved my life"

"You're welcome kid."

The three of them sat in her room. She decided to go back to sleep. Perrie told her that they would wake her up for breakfast.

"We have lots of time, want to start looking?" Leigh-Anne asked.

"For what?"

"Donors?" "Furniture" they said at the same time.

"Wait. What did you say?" Perrie asked, her smile fell a bit.

"Furniture, but you can put some men in the cart too baby"

"I'll look for baby daddies because we have a house now and we need people to fill it and you look for furniture because that's your thing."

Leigh-Anne shook her head with a smile. She was ready for kids, she wanted to get married first but that could come later.

"Pincock!" They heard Brenda call from down the hall way.

"Oh fuck off"

"Did you do it?" She asked coming into the room.


"Awww, congratulations!"

"You knew?"

"Yeah. Do you like it?"

"I love it."

"Great, I'm glad. Now. If you could make yourself useful that will be nice. We have a new patient. And her husband has" She rubbed her thumb and fingertips together.

"What? Money?" Perrie asked.

"Yeah, so I want her to have the best of the best. We could use some extra funding."

"I'm flattered, you shouldn't have." Leigh-Anne stood up kissing the girls forehead and then Perrie.

"Dont go making her fall for you doctor Love" Brenda Joked.

"She better not" Perrie mumbled.

"Stop starting shit, I'll see you later baby. I love you." Leigh-Anne pushed her bestfriend.

"I love you too"


Kinda. Thanks for reading. I'll be publishing the extras and some drafts. I wanted to write more for this book but I can't seem to wrote out the storyline that I want.❤

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