Cleril part 1

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Authors Note: Hi!!! Welcome! To Cleril. If you have never met cleril, I am sorry. Here we go! *you be like: dis person crazzzzyyyyyy* 

Time: Just after book fifteen.


Peril sighed. She was bored. Bored of sitting around in a cave all day, wishing for her dragon. Or, more like, the dragon she wished would be hers. 


 Was it him?

 "Hi, Peril. Are... you okay? You seem kinda... lonely?"

 No, it was only Turtle. Okay, well to be fair, he was kiiiiinda her best friend, so she couldn't really just dis him.

 "Yeah. Just... well, you know." She replied mournfully.

 "Okay, something is definitely up." Turtle sat down on the cave floor next to her. "Well, If you want  to know, I came here for that very reason. cheering you up! By telling you that Clay definitely has something planned for Valentines day, and I got a feeling its for you."

 "What?!" Peril had completely forgotten that it was valentines day tomorrow. 

 I need to do something for Clay. I could.... make him food? do a treasure hunt for food?  Ugh. Everything he loves revolves around food, and his friends. Wait a second... food... friends... aha!

 "Thank you SOOO much Turtle! Anyway, gotta-go-bye!"

 "Um, what?" 

 Peril sprinted out of the cave, so fast she almost hit someone walking past, but suddenly she was yanked back into her room by her tail. (A/N: Ok so people who don't remember Turtle's scales are as hard as diamonds and he cant be hurt on his scales so Peril can't burn him)


 "Yeah?" Peril asked her best friend impatiently.

 "What are you planning? I can help. And stop you from crashing into random dragons."

 Which he did. Twice more, before Peril agreed to let him help.


 "What? Um, because of the talent show that Clay is hosting in the prey center, for valentines day. we're doing auditions." A RainWing very RUDELY INTERUPTED.

 "What talent show, Boto?" Turtle asked.

 Oh, the RainWing was Boto. Siamang's friend. Peril registered what he said, and that Turtle had been saying her name.

 "Peril? Peeeriill? Hellooo?" he waved his talon in front of her face.

 "Yes?" She snapped.

 "Somedragon got off on the wrong side of the lake this morning." He muttered, but before Peril could shout at him, he said, "Anyway, I just had a thought. what if you enter the talent show and sing a song, and then you could be like, 'laaaaaaa deee daa dee daaaaaaaaa............ okay, so the reason I sang this and stoof was so I could ask somedragon something. Clay, I liked you ever since I met you in the sky kingdom. and I'm pretty sure that you only like me as a friend, but... there's no harm in trying. AND its valentines day. will you go out with me?' or something like that. I mean, that's what I've always imagined using for Kin-I mean if I had a crush then for them. I would use that. WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT?"

 "What. The. Heck. Okay, let me write that down."

 She picked up a stone tablet from the other side of her cave, and sat down in front of Turtle, staring intently at him. 

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