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My face involuntarily changed when I saw my lecturer throwing away the package of snacks. I had gotten way too many from Yo as usual so decided to share some with him. I didn't know on how to approach Mr Woo without seeming weird so decided to hang it at the door. I guess he is no fan of surprise gifts then.

He had seen me, nodded his head at me and shuffled back into his room. I just stared at him go off and then I sighed softly. I made sure to lock my door and go off for football with my friends. We had a long day of playing footsie, dinner and drinks. It was a fun night but I could not help but be bogged down by this feeling that someone was watching me. I kept turning around but no one was around.

As I was walking back to my dorms, I felt someone again. I turned around but yet again no one. I turned back only to come face to face with my ex-girlfriend/fling Sunn.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you Ming.."

"What happened?"

"Its about us.. can we talk?"

"Us? Sunn, I am confused. What do you mean by us?"

"Our relationship. What else?"

"Sunn, I think I made it clear. There is no more us. We ended things over 4 months ago. Why are you still on it?"

"But you didn't even give me a chance. You just decided to end everything. Don't I matter to you?"

"Sunn, you are nice but you were getting to the point where you had started stalking Yo thinking he was dating me. Yo?! Yo is my best friend. How could you..wait has it been you? Have you been following me the whole day?"

"What are you talking about? I just came.. Look, I know I did wrong.."

I just brushed her off and walked away, partly fuming over her when I recollect on how stalkerish she had been and also partly unnerved, that if it wasn't her following me, who was then?! I could still hear Sunn yelling away in frustration and I just flipped her. Just as I reached my dorm and my room, I saw Mr Woo outside his. I just ignored him and went to mine. Just then, I heard his soft voice.

"Are you ok Ming?"

I swivelled to look at him, my eyebrows frowning. I didn't understand what he meant by that.

"I was parking my bike earlier when I saw this girl yelling at you. Is everything ok?"

I just looked at him for a bit, wondering if I could confide in him but remember the AM incident. I just nodded my head tersely and went into my room, killing any conversation for the night with him. 

Assassin's Heart (WooBinxMing) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now