The one and only

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"Y/n L/n..."


Y/n looked back to find a red haired boy shorter than her... He was the same year and age as her, "Who might you be?" Y/n observed the boy's features. "Your physical abilities and strength is truly exceptional, Join the basketball team as an assistant coach." He commanded.  Y/n raised her brow, turning fully towards the shorter boy before glaring at him. "You dare command me, I'm not one of your drooling servants, Akashi Seijuro." Y/n stepped up to him and swung her hips with sass, her eyes becoming an enraged sight "No one tells me what to do." She was face to face with him as he just looked blankly back at her. "I never said you were my servant, and I simply gave you an offer." He replied, making most of the males that stood by to freeze at the boldness of their captain, It remained quiet which caused everyone to look at the thinking Y/n.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. "..?" The boys tilted their heads to wait for the girl to speak, Y/n noticed and looked at them with a glare.

 "What are you doing, I said. Leave." Y/n ordered while throwing a basketball directly at one of the boys, who dodged and it impacted the wall very hard... Everyone scurried away in panic as Y/n watched to see if all of them had left, She looked at Akashi who stayed behind for an answer. "We will see." was all she responded with before walking away to notify the teams that finally got to go on the courts;

The head of the sports committee has retreated back to her office for a nap, not knowing she was being watched every move by the 5 considered prodigies. 

"Why'd you throw a basketball L/n-san?" Hanako asked curiously since she witnessed the scene, "I don't know." was the girl's response before stumbling on the ground since she wasn't looking.. "L/n-san!!" Hanako helped the girl up, receiving a normal blank look from the head of the sports committee, "I'm fine." said Y/n before she stood up with the help of Hanako before they went on back to the sports office to carry on duties.

*In the afternoon*

"..." Y/n stared at five boys that were waiting for her at the gate, her face blank but a sweatdrop falling down her forehead as she only knew the red head. She walked past as if she didn't know them but was stopped "You're Y/n.. Right?" asked the blonde as she looked at him as if he was dumb. "Duh." Y/n said with sass, The blonde sweatdropped before trying to fix the situation and initiating something... "Well, what's a girl like you walking alone by herself?" He tried to charm her with his looks but it never changed anything but made her fake a smile "Oh? Me? I'm trying to avoid guys like you, thanks for asking." She sarcastically smiled and pushed past the boy before being greeted by a small kid with light blue hair, For some reason.. Y/n pet his head and smiled making the titan of the generation of miracles blush. 


Thanks for watching and thank u sm for the views, I love every single one of you and I appreciate the views.

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