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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @Punrjani_45 who requested to have a closure chapter for this story since this story bothered her. Thank you for giving the outline of this chapter, hopefully, I did justice in writing this one.

Well, among my VeeMark FF, this is still my favorite. Enjoy! 2705 words (O_o)


After spending their honeymoon, Mark and Vee returned to Thailand but the latter still felt that everything happened in the blink of an eye.

He looked at Mark's face who was sleeping soundly in their bed. Pain was still there. He couldn't shrug off the thought that Mark might leave him again. The first one almost broke him and the second time almost killed him. If the third time happens, Vee might not even make it.

He shook his head then proceeded to go to work.

At his work, only a few knew that he already got married. He could feel the gazes on him. He now understood Mark's insecurity during those times.

"But this is not enough." Vee thought to himself. He was referring to Mark leaving him.

He got a message from Mark wishing him best for today's work. It was a fleeting feeling but why does it feel painful at the same time?

"You look conflicted." Pear, a senior colleague of Vee, said when he saw the latter sitting alone on the roofdeck of their company building during lunch time.

"Phi, does loving someone equate living in pain?"

Pear was startled but she answered the question. "I heard you got married to the person you love but that person was also the same one who hurts you the most. Well, ask yourself, is love enough in a relationship? What if the pain is greater than the happiness you were feeling? Is that love?"

Vee couldn't speak for a while. "But...I can't live without that person."

Pear looked at the miserable face of Vee. "Then why are you still here when that person left you before? Vee, sometimes we make excuses because we don't know what to do. We see other people as our source of happiness but do we even matter to them too?"

In Vee's head, his senior's words made sense but his heart was trying to defy it.

"What do you want to do?" She asked.

"I don't know."

"If you want the pain to disappear, you need to know what you want to do first. You can't patch a scar with another wound."

The day ended with Vee's heart filled with subtle pain. When he was about to reach home where Mark was already probably waiting, he stopped.

Tears fell from his eyes.

His phone rang, picked it up and answered.

"Phi, are you on the way back home now?"

It was his husband, Mark. Again, he could feel the pain inside his chest suddenly growing.

"Mark..." he whispered.

"Hmm? What?" Mark's voice was filled with gentleness and endearment.

"Can we...take a break?" Almost choking on his own words, Vee's tears continue to fall.

"Wa...Phi, what are you...wait, where are you? Let's talk."

Vee could hear the panic in Mark's voice.

"You know how I could not live without you, right Mark? But I just thought that maybe my life revolves around yours since I met you. I should be happy that you're mine now, yes? But...why does it hurt?"

Wounded - VeeMark FFWhere stories live. Discover now