chapter 2

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"Abby get down here your loving father is hungry." My father commands. How dare he says he loving he doesn't love me. I tried to run away but that didn't go the way I planned it. My aunt Sharron died a year ago from a heart attack i wish someone would've inform me. Now my dad is pissed off at me and now and I'm his slave. I'm starving and in pain the least he could do is feed me once a month I'm sure we can work out something. How come he just can't put me up for adoption Im sure anybody is better than him. I just feel alone. Only person i talk to is my favorite teacher Mrs. H and God. They are my best friends if it wasn't for Mrs. H I would have to pay for my lunch, my dad wasn't going to pay for anything. If it wasn't for God I would be dead right now but God doesn't want me gone yet so I'm here. When my dad sent me to the secret chamber i thought it was scary but all it's just good food,a Minnie fridge, and a year supply of beer. So i took some food, what he doesn't know won't hurt him..... Unfortunately. Mmmmm wow these chips are amazing. I'll save some for later.

"Abby get your ugly ass here and clean the bathroom I just took a great big shit"! My dad exclaimed. Ohhhhh what a piigg! I hate this house. "what you say BITCH!" My dad shouted. "thats why you look just like your selfish ass mother i should've left yo ass like she left us"! "She didnt leave us she died you dumb basterd! I replied who do you "think your talking to?" SLAP! PUNCH! KICK!

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