Don't Stray From Your Class (Marcy Wu x Reader)

865 15 9

(Request by: lexben10 )

(Word Count: 1,560 words)

(**Warning: Mature Themes of Violence, Blood, Gore, etc.**)


Marcy panted, feeling a wave of nausea washing over her. She leaned against a large boulder on a dirt trail to relieve her sore feet. Lifting her head tiredly, she watched her classmates disappear further up the path. She was mumbling a string of curse words out loud for her body being so out of shape.

Marcy wondered why her school decided a field trip to the local forest was better than visiting the local museum. The forest was chilly, full of buzzing bugs, and was far more boring than any museum could ever be—a gust of freezing wind wafered by, sending chills throughout her body. The cold was a swift blade slicing right into her thick navy-blue parka. Her parka was the only thing keeping her from freezing her bottom off.

Feeling faint, she settled on sitting rather than standing. The ground felt cold and gritty to the touch. Her mind was a swirling storm of thoughts and memories, zapping whatever energy she had left. Deep-seated anxiety in her soul started to bubble up from her gut to her brain. The fury of thoughts swirled faster and faster, skyrocketing her worry even further.

A tsunami of salty tears gushed down her cheeks as her arms wrapped around her body in a weak attempt to comfort her anxiety-filled brain. All her emotions exploded out after being contained for so long. To her, her life was sand in her hands slipping through her fingertips. A string of events threatens the structure of her entire world that she built from scratch.

Her parents announced that they were moving to another state—her growing insecurities about losing her two best friends, Ann and Sasha. Marcy was an emotional wreck shrouded in her cloud of self-doubt, loneliness, and quiet anger. It was already difficult enough for Marcy to fit into social situations. She often felt like an outcast. Surrounded by her thoughts and emotions, hopelessness wrapped its arms around her in a suffocating hug.


A cottontail among the wild grass was happily munching away on a midday snack. Its large ears laid lax on the side of its head, not minding its surroundings. It didn't seem to hear the chatter of mockingbirds, the wind whistling through the treetops, the grass crunching under the hooves of grazing deer, and the soft rustling of some nearby bushes. A pair of glowing eyes from the dark shade of the brush peering straight at the cottontail.

Suddenly, the cottontail's ears perked up as it turned its head swiftly toward the thick brush. Its pale pink nose twitched rapidly, just like its little beating heart. Its haunches grew tense in anticipation of fleeing at any sudden movement. Little did the cottontail know, it was too late to run.

A dark shadow loomed over like a lunar eclipse in a blink of an eye. It lasted for a few seconds until the fuzzy critter was lifted into the air. Desperately, it frails around with its little legs kicking the air attempting to throw off its assailant. The cottontail was raised further in the air to be face to face with its attacker. Its onyx eyes locked with a pair of illumining ones.

Cocking your head to the side, you gazed into the rabbit's eyes intensely. Your eyes burned holes through the tender flesh through layers of thick muscle, tissue, blood, and organs into the very soul of the little animal. It thrashed around, letting out a series of pathetic cries. You let a chuckle slip past your lips with a giant smile forming on your face.

Crunch. Your razor-sharp nails dug into the rabbit's skull with intense pressure. Bits of gore, flesh, and blood pooled down your hand, running down your arm like a river of red horror. The cottontail lay still in your hands, nothing more than a pile of meat. How easy it was to snuff out a little soul like the cottontail. To you, this was popping one very meaty water balloon.

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