Baseball practice!

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TW: slurs, abuse, strong language.

Vance huffed, walking down the side walk with a bored expression. He didn't know why he even agreed to letting Bruce teach him something in baseball. Neither did he care about it. He turned and entered to see the baseball field, and the black-haired boy who stood not that far away holding a baseball bat, glove, and having that same stupid helmet on.

Vance grumbled, fists clenching as he began to walk towards him.

"Your lateee." Bruce teased, trying to get under Vance's skin for fun.

"I'm fucking 10 minutes late, give me a break dipshit." He scowled, eyeing Bruce with an irritated expression.

"I'm just teasing you, loosen up." Bruce leaned his head back and smiled.

His smile gave off such positive energy, and Vance didn't know if he wanted to turn around and leave, beat up Bruce, or smile back faintly. He did nothing, he just kept his resting bitch face. He sighed, "so what am I doing?"

"Your gonna learn how to swing a bat."

" .... "

"Don't complain either."

"I can't promise jackshit." He grabbed the bat, standing over where Bruce told him to go and lifting the bat over his shoulder. His hands tightened on the bat, eyes squinting to focus. This was their 4th time of practicing, so Vance knew how to do a lot. Kind of. He bent his knees down and focused on Bruce. He zoned out, eyes so focused on Bruce he didn't even notice Bruce had thrown the ball. He snapped back to reality way to late, and swung the bat just a few seconds too late.

"Pay attention!" Bruce yelled, standing up straight.

"FUCKING BITCH" he threw the bat, pissed off now.

Bruce exhaled, this was gonna take time. He walked over to Vance, "don't give up. Unless your a sore loser." He raised a brow, watching Vance turn to look at him with an angered expression.

"Fine." Vance replied, hands relaxing as he picked the bat back up and got back into position. They practiced for another hour, Vance missing a few and nearly giving up but regained confidence when he actually did it. I guess Bruce was proud of him.

They got tired and ended up walking to a pizza place near, ordering a cheese pizza and going to sit down.

"So ... How are you?" Bruce started the conversation, staring at vance with that same warm smile.

" uhh.... I'm fine. I guess. " he was lying. Vance wasn't fine, he didn't smile with Bruce - ever. It was as if he was shutting down.

Bruce knew something was wrong.

Something was always wrong with vance.

Bruce looked at the clock, eating pizza. This was his third slice, vance was on his fourth. One slice left. He finished the slice, both reaching at the same time as their hands brushed together. Bruce looked into Vance's eyes, that same harsh color that said so much without words. So much trauma behind his emotions. Their hands kept next to eachother for a moment.

"Get your filthy hands off my pizza slice, bitch" vance broke the silence and snatched the pizza slice, eating it quickly as he saw the time aswell. "I have to get home. Bye Bruce, we can hangout another time." He didn't show much emotions in his tone. Ever.

Bruce watched him leave, sighing as he put down some money to cover the bill and walked out aswell.

. Vance's pov !!

I walked in, hands gliding over the wall. I froze in my steps when I heard that stomping in that hall, I quickly ran to my room and Accidently slammed the door ... 'shit !' I said in my mind, back against the door as I could hear him outside now.

I felt his hand grip the knob, my heart was nearly pounding out of my chest.

"Vance. Open this fucking door." His voice was husky and cracking, deep and rude. I clench my eyes shut and quickly open them back up, opening the door to see my father standing in that door. And then I felt that sting on my cheek, he slapped me. I stepped back and kept my posture, trying not to flinch. "I'm sorry." I mumbled, trying not to break into any emotions around him. I was punched, hit, slapped, kicked, stomped at, shoved on the floor. "maybe that'll teach you to have some fucking manners you ungrateful bitch." I could smell the beer stench in his breath, I laid on the floor and felt those warm tears heat down my face.

My body was bruised. Bloody. Busted. I was shaking at best, and I could now hear my mom and dad arguing horribly. I heard something crash. I hope my moms okay. I pulled myself off the floor, stumbling to the bathroom to see my lip bleeding harshly and my arms bruised and scratched by his boots. I closed my eyes and got into the shower, ugh .... the hot water stung so bad. when I got out, I quickly cleaned up my room after putting on sweat pants and boxers. I didn't bother for putting on a shirt. Not right now. The fabric hurt my bruises. I got into bed, laying down and closing my eyes as I slowly fell asleep.

. Bruce's pov !

I walk down the road and began to walk to my house, I could see those drunk teens hiccup and glare at me. Some waving and winking, disgusting. I felt so nervous and scared, all alone walking on the side walk. I felt like the grabber was still alive. My hands clenched into harsh fists. I quickly began to speed walk when I saw my house, hands shuffling through my pockets while shaking as I grabbed my key and unlocked the door.

"Hey mom! I'm home." I yelled, closing the door behind me lightly as I locked it back up. My hands felt at the wall as I went upstairs, walking into my room as I shut the door slowly with my foot. I sighed, opening my drawers and pulling out a book.

It was green and had baseball stickers everywhere, I open it and grab my pencil and sat on my bed, turning on a quick show to keep my mind moving and so I can hear something while I write. I flip to an open page, grabbing some stickers out of my drawer and picking the pinball machine one. I wrote on the title, 'Vance.' And then stuck the little pinball machine sticker next to it.

I began to write everything on my mind. He made me feel so different.

*Vance makes me feel so open and happy, someone I can feel really comforted by at all times. I don't know what this feeling is. He makes me feel all warm inside, like fire works. When I see him, I wish I could put a smile on his face. I wish he noticed how I felt. I wish I could make him be happy. Ever since we got out of the hospital, he hasn't been that same emotional of happiness every now and then. I haven't seen him crack a smile in a while. I wish he did. I want him to teach me pinball one day. Maybe a bonding experience. God, shut up bruce - your not a FAG.* I quickly underlined the word fag a lot. I slam the book shut and throw it under my bed, so confused. My mind wouldn't stop racing. I soon fell asleep on my bed, shoes still on as one leg hung off the bed.


Words: 1266

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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