23. The return

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3rd person POV

Weeks had passed since the incident. Y/n refused to leave the house. The only person who would bring her the feeling of security was Oikawa. He was the only one that Y/n accepted his presence. Her uncle, rarely. Also, Irihata talked to the school, explaining Y/n's situation, with, surely, Y/n's consent.

On Iwaizumi's side, she talked to him on the phone, asking him to meet up somewhere just a few days ago, Oikawa by her side. She told him the whole story. He hugged her, crying, understanding the pain she lived through. He told her she was safe with them. Y/n didn't want to tell him that she wouldn't let neither Oikawa nor him sacrifice themselves for her. If she had to die, she would be the only victim.

She slowly calmed down and took her control back. She knows she will need it for the second semester, but she is still scared. She still feels as if the killer is in the same area as her and she can't stop looking around when she goes outside. Oikawa doesn't leave her side when they are outside. Irihata thanked him for all his help and all Oikawa did was smile and say it was nothing.

And for Oikawa's gift, when Y/n remembered, she apologized for ruining his birthday. As the protective Oikawa he now is towards her, he said it was normal and that he forgave her.


Next to the line is that Oikawa invited Y/n to the Festival that will take place at the end of the month before the second semester. (You know, it's like the thing in almost every romance anime, when they go in Yukatas and watch the fireworks.)

I mean, inside, she was excited. She really wanted to go, it would change her mind. And if it was with Oikawa, then, she was happy. But outside, she could only make a little and brief smile. Pain had invaded her. Fear was drowing her. She couldn't live life at its best. Her mistake... it's too late, she can't go back in time. She wishes she could, but she can't. The only thing that could make her fall asleep at night was crying until she was too tired to keep her eyes open. Nightmares were taking possession of every night she succeeded to fall asleep. Insomnia, nightmares, random trembling, sometimes random crying.

But for now...

All she wishes for...

Is for all that to be over.

But it's not like she could make it end in a snap of the fingers, right? I mean, it's kinda obvious, isn't it? Who knows where the actual master mind of the murders is, right now? Y/n wishes she could know. Oikawa wishes he could know. Iwaizumi wishes he could know. Irihata wishes he could know.

Irihata also called the police of Tokyo, telling the Detective, Talia Ruyha, what happened and Y/n's feeling about the murderer of her parents. He told them he would prepare himself to come to Miyagi Prefecture and would stay a few weeks, just to see if Y/n was right. He also promised he would make a few of his officers come with him and they would stay at a hotel.

Well, they arrived before the summer festival. Talia went to book rooms at the hotel and immediately went to knock at the Irihata's door. Irihata was the one who responded.

"Come in" he said when he saw him.

They went to the kitchen, and Talia took a seat at the table.

"Do- do you want something to drink?" Irihata asked hesitantly.

"Just water, please"

They then heard footsteps go down the stairs. Oikawa appeared in the kitchen, but only realized Talia's presence after he asked his question.

"My first love" (Oikawa x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now