One Year Later

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The break-up was the most difficult thing you've ever had to do in your entire life.

You loved him.

With everything you had, you loved him. But it was beginning to not be enough.

He would stay out late, and leave early in the morning. You'd never talk, kiss, hug, or cuddle. It was beginning to effect you. You had begun to lose sleep, tossing and turning in bed, eventually crying yourself to slumber.

You avoided each other, knowing any small argument would result in the inevitable: you two would split.

You tried, you really did because you wanted to make it work. Attempting to talk to him about his day, or what he'd like for tea, simple conversations to even hear his voice, but nothing was working.

One day, after having enough of the unbearable silence, you broke.

"What is your problem?" you spit, your voice raising, but also cracking at the sudden urge to cry.

"What do you mean?" he says, leaning against the counter, taking another pull of his beer.

"Don't stand there and just drink, Niall. You know what I mean."

"No, Y/N, I really don't," Niall says, putting the down the alcohol as his voice rose.

"You haven't spoken to me in five days, Niall. Five days. I counted. You want to know why?"

"Why, Y/N," he says, voice being laced with a thicker accent as he became angry.

"Because I'm sick of being treated like this. I wanted to see that maybe you would change. It's been months of this back and forth shit and I'm tired of it. I don't want this anymore."

"Don't want what? To be with me? It's been two damn years that we've been together. If you really want to go and throw this away, then go. The door is right there," he says, pointing towards the unlocked door.

"You're fucking unbelievable," you say, walking towards the bedroom to gather your things.

You had texted your friend yesterday, warning her that any day now you might be showing up at her doorstep.

"Wait...Y/N, no- Don't go. I didn't mean it. I-I'm sorry," he says, reaching for your wrist in an attempt to stop you from walking away.

"Let go of me," you growl, snatching your hand away, and walking quickly to grab a duffle bag and clothes for the next few nights.

"Please don't leave me... I don't know what I'll do without you," he says, voice cracking, as he realises that he really screwed up this time.

"Maybe you should've thought of that before you forgot about me," you said, taking the rest of your things and grabbing your keys off the hook. "I'll be back to get the rest of my things later."

And you left.

You sat in your car and let tears fall, as you saw Niall throw his beer bottle across the room, obviously shattering, as he slid down the counter, leaning his head onto his knees.

You wanted nothing more than to run back in and say everything would be okay, but you didn't know if it actually would.

So you drove away.

***One Year Later***

Things were starting to change for you. You had graduated UNI, started a job at a daycare for the weekdays, and you had found an apartment nearby your work.

You looked different. Your hair was longer, and you had put in red highlights. You took on a tan after going on holiday in Australia.

But nothing had come close to changing how you felt about Niall.

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