"Wait you knew? You knew that my father killed Mara's mother? How can you even look at me, or see me as a good person?" I question him.

"I knew for years, I was told by Yaxley in fact. I knew the first time I met you. I still see you as a good person because I know that you are nothing like your father. I just need to know this. If Mara comes back to Hogwarts next year will you be there to protect her?" He asked pleadingly.

"I will, I promise you that. I could never let anything bad happen to her."

"Thank you. She has woken up and she has been asking for you, while you and Luna were gone. Thank you for finding the necklace, it's very important that she wears it."

We both walked in together. She was sat up in the bed, she looked at me with her infectious smile. I rushed to her bedside and just held her hand.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't do anything sooner."

"Don't be, I should have listened to you and I should have worn my necklace but I forgot to get it from the bed side table." She said.

"You're such an idiot Mar."

"I know."

"You better be wearing it when you sleep now Mara." Her father added.

As I stayed by Mara's side I could feel everyone else looking at me.

Mara's POV

I could tell that Draco felt uncomfortable. They were all trying to figure out their new perspective of him but instead it looked like they were scolding him.

"It's okay, no one else matters when it's just me and you together okay?" I whispered

"No one else matters." He replied.

I saw a very different side to Draco tonight.  If anyone was to hurt me, he would protect me,  he would make them feel the same pain as I was going through. I saw his face as the curse hit me, I heard his voice crying out for Bellatrix to stop. Then I saw his face light up as I smiled at him when he walked through the Hospital Wing doors with my father.

"I don't want to be this person that people think of me Mar."

"You showed people that you aren't this person that people think you are. You may have this mark, but this mark doesn't define you. People have never gotten to know the real you because you followed your father's wishes. You never shown your true self, but now you have and people see you Draco."

"They do?"

"They do."

He just smiled at me before hugging me tightly.

"I honestly don't know what I would do without you." He said.

"I don't know what I would do without you either."

The nurses told all the visitors to leave the Hospital Wing. I was told that I would be spending the night here so they could keep me under observation.

"Before I go Mara, can I ask you something?" Asked Fleur.

"Of course."

"I didn't want to interrupt your moment with Draco and your father but I just wanted to quickly ask you something. I am getting married in the summer and I just wondered if you wanted to be one of my bridesmaids?"

"I would absolutely love that."

"We may be family friend's but that isn't the reason why I am asking. Ever since you comforted me at Christmas back at the Burrow, I've had you at the back of my mind to ask you."

"Fleur, even if it was that we are family friends, I would've minded. I am so happy that you are getting married."

"His family allowed it. They thought that I would leave him after what happened tonight, they thought that I would find him ugly. I could never, I love him dearly."

"You can tell that you do. I mean you put up with their cruelty, that should show them already."

"I know. I must go, I don't want to make the nurses angry and you have to say goodbye to your father too. Rest up, okay?"

"I will."

She hugged me before she left with the others. My father and Draco stayed behind.

"Mara, make sure you wear that necklace at all times okay?"

"I will, I promise."

"I love you sweetheart, like Fleur said rest up and I will see you soon."

"I love you too dad."

He kissed my forehead before he left. My father was my everything and I hated to see the worry in his face as I woke up. I understand if he doesn't let me step foot at Hogwarts again. Everything is now going to change, Voldemort will take over and our lives will no longer be the same.

Draco tried to stay as long as he could, before the nurses escorted him out. It didn't stop him from sneaking in, in the middle of the night to lay next to me. He held me tightly, comforting me. Him holding me was the only reason I was able to fall asleep tonight. I kept having visions, visions of Bellatrix cursing me, I could someone feel the pain from the cruciatis curse in my vision. Draco was my comfort tonight, he made the visions and the pain go away. When he was going through this he had no one, he was alone.

Sweet Revenge {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now