Chapter Forty Six ~ One Thing Led to Another

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Warning! This Chapter Contains:

- Lemon / mature content
- Implied sexual situations


The heavy raindrops pelted against the earthbread's surface, harsh winds pushing and shoving the trees around as the leaves crashed into each other with no remorse. It seemed that a storm was brewing amidst the land. But this was only the beginning.

Pomegranate picked at her nails nervously, as she made her way down the hallway of the home she'd lived in for her entire life. The hallway she would walk down every single day. Why was it that goosebumps layered her skin as if she'd never once been down this hall before? Why did it feel like she was wandering a home that wasn't her own?

Something wasn't right, like the oxygen which she breathed suddenly became toxic. She paused, exhaling a shaky breath and staring at her hands. Every other sense she had seemed to zone out completely, as she thought about her brother.

For the first time, Pomegranate had felt genuine fear over Espresso. He was so enraged with the thought of her dragging him back here, but she'd thought that was what he'd wanted. He'd even complained to her multiple times throughout her visits through the mirrors.

But then her mind wandered.

It wandered to the small but very noticeable interaction between him and that blond paladin.

Hadn't he hated him?

Although, the look in his eyes stumped Pomegranate. It was so visible that even she could see it clearly when he tried to hide it.

He looked happy.

Happier than he'd ever been while living with them at the castle. Her brows furrowed. Perhaps.. him leaving really was for the best. Perhaps it was what he needed. Maybe Licorice was right after all.

Pomegranate and Espresso weren't all that different, both clinging onto the thin string of hope that Dark Enchantress would finally love them, said string slowly dwindling into nothing as each day passes. Except, one had let go and the other was too scared to face the truth.

She gulped when she vaguely remembered Dark Enchantress' plans.

Would it really be worth it?

She exhaled a shaky breath, stopping and leaving the hall quiet save for the rain tapping against the windowpanes. Almost like the rain was whispering to her. Telling her that she was making a grave mistake.

Pomegranate gritted her teeth and snarled as she continued on her path. The rain seemed to falter slightly, perhaps in defeat. She stopped at the grand double doors, the handles calling to her. Her hand hesitated over the door-handle before she frowned in determination and gripped it, pushing the heavy doors open with a quiet grunt.

Before she could even open her mouth to speak, an object flew through the air at a speed her brain was yet to process. She only blinked, and suddenly a long dagger had found itself pierced through the door, right next to her head. Her eyes widened, breath catching in her throat.

"I advise you learn how to knock, dear." Dark Enchantress sauntered over to her with a noticeable grin, yanking the blade out of it's unsuspecting target. She softly stroked the slash in the wood with a hum before turning to Pomegranate. The latter swore there was a small red glow to her eyes. The Enchantress smiled, rolling the dagger between her fingers. Ah, that's what the look is. Malice.

"I.. ah.." Pomegranate gulped, slowly digging through her pocket to retrieve what she was here to deliver. A piece of parchment paper emerged by trembling hands.

Darkness into Light - EspresseleineWhere stories live. Discover now