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Hyunjin's POV

There are many benefits to being Han Jisung's roommate.

Don't get me wrong, me and Jisung still have times where we argue nonstop, and then ignore eachother for a good week, before someone comes running back and begging for all to be forgiven - admittedly, that 'someone' is usually me. I'm a little too forgiving for my liking.

But in all honesty, i'm living the best life whilst being Han's room buddy; i get to play my videos as loud as i want, and he won't ever mind; i drag him out to practice, and he always agrees to come with me; whenever he orders takeout, he always asks me what i want firstly - and sometimes he even gets takeout just for the both of us! Talking about living the privileged life, huh? And you don't want to know how much Seungmin wanted my space. Bitch, i'm not gonna go all 'Hunger Games' with you over a room, Minnie.

Jisung and I most definitely had our.. hardships, over the years. Back then, i had a problem with containing my anger a lot, and because Jisung was always somehow next to me, i let it out on him - and that 'letting out on him' led me to picking out every single one of his mistakes, one by one. I couldn't see the damage i was doing to him, whatsoever - i mean, he always either argued back or pulled the 'sarcasm' card on me (which was pretty bold, considering that i'm his hyung, or whatever), and so i always just thought that it didn't have a huge negative impact on him.

Over the years, however, i saw how much of a half-perfectionist he had become when it came to dancing. Even though he wasn't the top dancer in our group (No offence, Jisung, you're an amazing dancer and i cherish you lots, love you tons bro) he spent many hours in the practice rooms - more than any of us - and i always had a feeling it was because of my ridiculing comments in the past. Goddamnit, Hyunjin, you always screw things up; this is what happens when you don't think straight!

As if i was ever straight, but okay.

I'm really happy and proud to say that me and Jisung are really close now, closer than we are to other members. He's my best and closest friend, and that surprised a lot of the members. They still remember - and remind us - when me and Jisung fought over who got the fluffy pancake in the morning. Minho hyung is especially glad that we don't fight over petty stuff like that anymore, as he always threatened to give us simple fruit for our breakfasts if we didn't stop.

And i'm so goddamn happy that we don't fight as much anymore.

Recently, though, i've been hearing.. strange sounds coming from my roommate, late at night. And no, before everyone starts becoming dirty minded and such - i can assure you that it's not them kinda sounds. It sounds more like.. sobbing?

Before i became his roommate, Jisung had a room alone - which proved to be beneficial, as when he was still producing full-time for 3RACHA, he was practically screaming at the wall all night, or blasting out what he was working on (because Han Jisung has never heard of headphones - or at least, always seems to lose his headphones). But also, it seemed useful to block out any other unnecessary sounds that no one else would want to hear - like crying, or full on sobbing.

Another thing about Jisung is that he never wanted to show vulnerability to the other members, including me. He cried a few times, for example at our performances, but apart from that... nah, he never cries. We, as a group, never really cry, unless something really touches us. Like that video that Stay surprised us with during 'Kingdom', at our 'Grow Up' performance - that shit touched our hearts. We were proper blubbering in our dorm once we got back. That was the last time i had seen Jisung cry so hard.

Once, when i was coming back from the bathroom, i had come past Jisung's room, expecting either silence, or music being blasted out. But nope! I heard quiet cries coming from the younger, and since his door was a little bit open that night (probably because it felt like a gajillion degrees) the cries came out louder, more clearer. Call me crazy, but i'm so very sure they were cries. And once i had interrogated Jisung about it in the morning, it only started an argument; thank goodness Chan hyung was there to stop it before it escalated again.

Jisung, if you ever see this, i'm so very sorry, i didn't mean to pry.

But i'm very sure that it was you crying that night, not anyone else.

Are you.. okay, Jisung?


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