Chapter 31 - One Year Later

Start from the beginning


(6 months ago)

We were walking around this festival. Shooting was done and we were just waiting for Khurram bhai to finish up. It was just me, Hussain, Atif, Waqas, Faiza and Anika.
"Guys, look at that ride!" Faiza pointed at one of the roller coasters while we walked. It was huge and I was getting giddy just looking at it.
"I ain't gonna lie. I love these type of roller coasters." Waqas smirked.
"Yeah right." Faiza scoffed. Waqas stopped suddenly and held Faiza's wrist stopping her from walking. We all looked back at him.
"Wanna bet?" Waqas smirked. Faiza tugged out of his grip.
"Sure. Let's go guys! I'm sitting with Waqas so I can film him wetting his pants." Faiza laughed. Waqas rolled his eyes.
"Shehry, tu mere saath chal. (Shehry, you come with me.)" Atif said. I nodded and looked over at Hussain who looked kind of dazed.
"Guys, really? It looks so scary." Anika said nervously.
"Koi baat nahi (don't worry), Hussain'll be with you." Waqas said.
"Actually, sorry, I'm not feeling well. I might just sit on one of the benches here." Hussain ran his hand through his hair.
"Then I'll sit here with Hussain." Anika offered.

Hussain's P.O.V

The others left and I sat down with Anika. It was kind of awkward as we both sat there looking around. I hadn't really talked to Anika even though we spent 4 months filming together.
"Hussain, are you okay?" Anika asked, looking at me.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine."
"Um, can I tell you something?" Anika questioned. I nodded.
"To be honest, you always look really out of focus and worried. Anything bothering you?" She asked.
I looked at her. Nobody has ever been so concerned. I mean, other than family. Maybe this girl was actually nice.
"I mean, don't take it wrong. I'm just asking." She said quickly. I smiled slightly.
"Um, I don't know. I guess I'm just tired." I replied. Zara was the only person I was thinking about. Anika chuckled.
"What time did you sleep?" She asked.
"Around 4am."
"Kya?! (What?!) What were you doing?" Anika asked, her eyes wide. She was so concerned about me. It actually felt really nice. I needed it. I smiled.
"Kuch nahi. (Nothing.) I was just watching DDLJ." I lied. Anika burst out laughing.
"Hussain, tum bhi na. DDLJ? Voh bhi at 4am! (Hussain you are too much. DDLJ? And that too at 4am!)" She giggled. I smiled.
"But awesome movie. I'd love to find someone like that." Anika grinned.
"But even if we do, sometimes we can't keep them. Life doesn't let us." I said automatically. Anika looked at me.
"What do you mean? You don't believe in love?" She frowned. I smiled.
"I used to. But what's the point? Life isn't always full of love." I said, looking down. Anika looked away. Was she okay?
"Anik-" Before I could say anything, the others came back.
"Waqas, admit it! You were scared!" Faiza was laughing.
"No I wasn't!" Waqas said to her.
"Then why were you hugging my arm?" Faiza smirked.
"And why didn't you complain?" Waqas smirked, stepping closer. Faiza looked at him for a second and stepped back.
"Calm down with the flirting. I have a boyfriend." Faiza grinned. Waqas frowned but didn't say anything. Bechara. (Poor guy.)
"Um guys, I'm going to go. My mum just called." Anika suddenly said.
"Anika, why are your eyes red?" Faiza asked. Anika looked down. Her eyes were kind of red. Like she had been crying.
"I'm probably just tired. I'll see you guys later. Bye." Saying that, she left while everyone waved.
"What the hell did you do?" Shehry asked me angrily as soon as she left. I gaped at him.
"Why does everyone always think it's me?" I asked frustrated. Just because she was sad and sitting with me. Maybe she was thinking of something else.
"Cause she likes you!" Waqas blurted. My head snapped to him.
"What are you talking about?"
"She's a Dhoomie. You're her favourite. She's always liked you from the beginning." Waqas explained. Suddenly I felt really guilty. No wonder she was sad. Imagine your crush telling you that they don't believe in love.
"Even if she liked me, nothing would ever happen between us." I replied.
"What if something did?" Shehry chuckled.
"Did you already forget about Zara?! Just because she's lying on a hospital bed, in a coma." I gritted my teeth at all of them. Did they not have feelings?
"Hussain, don't scream. Please." Faiza said quietly, putting her hand on mine. She had tears in her own eyes.
"Screaming is nothing when the person you love has gone quiet forever." I said quietly. I gulped down my tears.
"Hussain you know that's not true-" Atif started, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"It is! She's never going to wake up! And I won't ever have her in my arms or I'll never be able to hear my name from her or I'll never be able to say that I love.." I trailed, tears streaming down my cheeks. Shehry hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry.." I tried to apologise but Shehry shushed me.
"I'm sorry. Tu mera chota bhai hoon. (You're my younger brother.) I'm supposed to take care of you. Mujhe maaf kar. (Forgive me.)" Shehry stroked my hair. I couldn't say anything. I really needed his love now. I was going mental.
"Guys, let's go home. It's getting dark. I'll drop Faiza off." Waqas offered.

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