Attention, Please! (CHAPTER)

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"Felix." Claude sat at his desk working on the endless paperwork that never seems to diminish.

"Yes, your Majesty?" Felix, the bodyguard and secretary of the emperor, stood behind Claude with his back straight and gaze shifted towards him. Claude frowned but didn't look at him.

"I told you not to call not to call me that when we're alone," Claude responded a few seconds later with a barely noticeable pout.

He had been working for an hour and a half
already and Felix had not said a single word to him. To Claude, it felt like Felix was not paying him any attention. He often spends his time with Felix and the presence of another person, namely, Saya and Athy. So when it was just Felix and Claude alone, he wanted not the silence he would get from working, but the sole attention and comfort he could attain from Felix pampering him with affection.

"My apologies, Claude," Felix chuckled as he could tell Claude was pouting from his tone.

Felix, however, didn't make a move much to Claude's dismay. Claude pursed his lips and angrily stamped papers from the annoying nobles bothering him with their problems. Felix laughed silently. He enjoyed teasing his lover that never directly asks for what he wants.

Felix outstretched his arm and kneaded Claude scalp, relieving him of a headache he didn't know he had and immediately relaxing his body. The ink on the quill stained the paper with squiggled lines in response to Claude's relaxed muscles.

Felix continued this for two minutes before he stopped. Claude regained his senses and finally looked at Felix. Felix smiled and put his hands behind his back. Claude glared at Felix, displeased with him for not continuing.

"I didn't say you could stop, Felix," Claude said with so much arrogance that Felix almost laughed at the memory of him begging underneath him a few days ago.

"Like you said, Claude, right now you're not the emperor but my lovely little lover. Even if you order me, I'm not inclined to obey. You on the other hand," Felix smirked as he towered over Claude who was still sitting in his chair. He leaned down until he was right next to Claude's ear.

"You like to be commanded, don't you. You like to be powerless and helpless with no other choice than to beg for forgiveness," Felix whispered.

Claude's ear turned pink and his heartbeat increased. Felix wasn't asking, he was stating facts. Claude, as the emperor, was the one who held the most power; so he felt excitement from being at the mercy of his lover when he's usually the one who has the upper hand.

Felix backed away to stare into Claude's eyes with the same condescending look on his face. Claude stared back for a second with furrowed brows before he looked away, clicking his tongue.

"Claude," Felix said as he grabbed his chin, turning his head back to face him. He kissed him before picking him up, pushing the papers to the ground, and setting Claude on the desk.

Claude glared, "I just signed those!"

"It's fine, it's fine. You can just use your magic to pick them up later," Felix said while pulling Claude's easy access clothes off.

Claude looked like he was about to through a fit and so he quickly said, "I'm sure there's enough time to give you the attention you wanted," while moving his hand up Claude's thigh.

In the kitchen there was a maid daydreaming about what she overheard when she went to bring tea to the emperor, only to eavesdrop outside the door and hurry back to the kitchen to plan the fanfiction she was going to secretly write about the emperor and his guard. In the future she would be known as secretmaster, the most popular bl writer, popular amongst commoner and noble ladies alike.

—Here's another chapter as requested! I'm sorry it took so long. Thank you to the one person who asked for another! It was definitely cringy but it is what it is lol.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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