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It was an average day for the people in the palace. The maids working, the knights training, and Saya petting the princess' hair as she sits in her lap. The two were currently in Claudes office, seated on the couch and enjoying each other's presence.

To be more accurate, Saya enjoying the texture of Athanasia's hair and Athanasia enjoying the chocolate cake she was stuffing in her mouth. Felix, who was standing behind Claude, watched the two, enjoying the view of his lover and his other lover's daughter.

The three, Saya, Claude, and Felix were in a relationship, however they kept this a secret from everyone but Athy. Athy was originally shocked at the revelation of her father dating not only Saya but Felix as well.

Since Athy didn't know Diana, she didn't feel any real attachment and was happy that Claude found someone or people he was happy with. So with her innocent child facade, she expressed childlike happiness at the announcement.

Though the adults didn't believe Athy really understood what was happening, they were overjoyed that Athy didn't resent the idea.

Once Claude completed his work, he put down his pen and stood up from his chair. He walked over to the other couch and closed his eyes. He had a sleepless night as usual. However they appeared less frequently when his relationship with the two began. They had been together for a month now and he was slow to admit but he did enjoy their time together.

Felix came over and sat next to Claude. He started to pet his lovers hair and knead his scalp. Claude let out a sigh and relaxed as he let Felix work his magic. It seems this was something he really needed.

Although Athy usually put all her attention on her chocolate cake, she was amused by Claude's behavior. He was like a cat being pet.

Felix sat down and pushed Claude's shoulder so he would lay his head on his lap. After Claude readjusted himself, Felix once again began rubbing Claude's scalp.

Saya began to hum a tune from her homeland, creating a relaxing atmosphere in the office.

They stayed like this for an hour. Athanasia reluctantly fell asleep sometime in between. Claude had also fallen asleep. Felix and Saya, being the only ones awake decided to leave the father daughter pair alone and went out to the garden. Along the way Saya asked a maid for blankets. Felix laid down the blankets when they reached a secluded area and laid down alongside Saya. They laid there looking at the clouds in a comfortable silence. They eventually fell asleep enjoying the breeze and light sun.

Felix x Y/n x Claude OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now