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Claude and Felix approached Saya after the whole Penelope spectacle. Although the situation was a bit different. Penelope was still engaged to Claude and still cheated on him but not with anastacius.

It was a servant Penelope brought to her room. Claude was forced by the king to spend time with her and when he went to look for her, he stumbled upon the scene of Penelope moaning out the servants name.

One would expect Claude to be devastated in this situation however he only felt nothing. Not shock, betrayal, anger. In fact he was a little relieved. Now that he was single, he had a better chance at pursuing his crush, Saya.

Saya was a Duke's daughter and was Anastacius' playmate when they was younger. They were supposed to be engaged when they were of age however they both protested.

Saya didn't like being controlled and was very adamant about the clothes she wore and the skills she learned.  She didn't want to be a helpless lady like everyone expected her to be.

You would know who she was at a glance since she is the only female in the kingdom who wear pants and a sword at her hip. You couldn't tell at a glance but she was fit and had the muscles to prove them. Whether it was a sword match or an arm wrestling contest to flowery verbal bitch slapping, she could do it.

She was not interested in politics so she was rarely seen in the social circle of the noble ladies. However that didn't mean that she would avoid getting involved if she had to. She didn't have the interest, not the skills.

Saya was actually popular with the ladies. She gave off femdom energy. She had a sharp tongue but it was only directed at those who provoked her first. It was known in the nobility that she was interested in females from the way she flirts with them.

When Saya first showed interest in women, she was 16 and attending a ball. Everyone was there, including the king and her father. They were certainly surprised when they saw Saya lightly grab a lady's hand and kiss her knuckles after catching the girl who bumped into her. The way Saya looked at the girl could be described as a predator looking at her prey.

The king, crown prince, and Grand duke believed this was the real reason she didn't want to marry the crown prince. They stopped pushing for marriage and settled with Saya working for Anastacius in the future.

Of course Saya didn't agree but didn't voice her objection because she couldn't afford to. She needed more power first if she wanted to go up against the royal family.

Claude who was crushing on her since he was 10 was very conflicted when he saw the interaction. The person he likes wasn't even attracted to his gender. He felt heartbroken and left the party early. When he was alone in his room, he cried silently, his hope fading away.

He had not completely given up though. When he grew up, he would show her the appeal of a man. He got himself together and that was the beginning of Claude's self improvement.

Felix x Y/n x Claude OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ