|| 1 || Elizabeth Bryan ||

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Nicknames for Elizabeth: Beth (her mother), Liz (Colton), Lizzy (Daniel and Danielle), and Liz-Liz (Samuel "TJ")


Furious. The only emotion I'm feeling at the moment. The past year, my mother (Cassie) has been spending time with two different guys. Now, one is out of her life and the other, she's fucking married to. Did I know? Nope, not until the very last minute. I never met her husband, but I did meet the guy that's not in her life anymore. My mother claims to be in love with her husband, but I think the only reason why she married him is because he must have money. Her ex-boyfriend didn't have a lot of money. I'm very hesitant to meet my step-father after the whole incident with my mom's ex-boyfriend.

"Beth, I don't understand why you're against me being with the one I love. Your siblings are happy for me. Why can't you see that I'm in love?"

"No!" I growled, "No, they are not happy! I don't think you love your husband since you were dating him and another guy at the same time! He must have money! That's the only reason why you married him! Did you forget what your lovely boyfriend almost did to Ella and Danny?! What about me?! Do you remember what he did to me?!"

Ella and Danny. My ten-year-old twin siblings. Their full names are Daniel and Danielle Taylor. Something almost happened to them, but it happened to me instead. I'm glad it was me (even though it was a bad thing) instead of the twins. I was seven when they were born. I remember the guy since he was kind towards Colt and me. But I cannot remember his name. I'm guessing his last name is Taylor because that wasn't my mom's surname before Mathers.

Colt. He's fifteen and his full name is Colton Shelton. He was five when the twins were born. I know for sure he doesn't remember who the man our mom was with before the twins were born. Hell, I don't remember who Colton's father is since I was two when Colt was born.

And then there was my youngest sibling: Samuel "TJ" McGraw. He's two-years-old, meaning I know who his father is. My mom blackmailed TJ's father, having the two have sex. I should know if his father knows about him, but I don't know if his father knew about TJ. If he doesn't and tries to get custody of my brother, I'm not going to let that happen.

Yes. I know my mom is a slut. She sleeps around a lot. And rumor has it that my mother, in her younger years, fucked a lot of cleberities. Do I believe that? Yes, she blackmailed Tim McGraw to fuck her, but that doesn't mean she slept with other celebrities.

"Beth," scowled my mother, "Mikey wasn't going to harm Elle and Danny. You know it's your fault for getting him arrested. He did nothing to you and we both know that. If you tell my husband those lies, I will make sure you will pay for that."

I sighed heavily, looking over my shoulder.

Danny was sitting behind me while Elle was sitting behind our mother. Colt was sitting in the middle with TJ in his lap. Our mother said that TJ doesn't need a car seat. At least, we haven't been pulled over. If we have, I know for sure TJ would be taken from us. Yes, I'm worried about that. However, I'm also worried about the twins. They were hurting over the fact that our mother didn't believe us for what almost happened to them and what actually happened to me.

I turned back to my mother, asking in a monotone voice, "Does your husband know you have five children?"

"Well, Marshall knows I have children, but he doesn't know that I have five children," my mother replied truthfully.

I should have known. My mother doesn't like to share that she has five children because most of the guys she "hang out" with don't want anything to do with us. And I'm fine with that. But it seems like my step-father has to deal with us since he doesn't know there are five of us. I feel somewhat sorry for him. But at the same time, I will make sure that fucker stays the hell away from me and my siblings. I was wondering what my mother was thinking. That's an easy answer: she wasn't.

My eyes widened when my mother pulled up to a gate. This wasn't a fucking house! This was a fucking mansion! How rich was this bastard?! How did my mother get with him in the first place?! My mother drove into the driveway and parked near the entrance. Of course, she forgot to grab her youngest child when she got out.

I slipped out of the car, walking to the truck. I opened it, handing my siblings their bags before I took TJ out of Colt's arms. I had both my and TJ's things in my arms when I turned towards my younger siblings. I knew the look they were giving me. They were hungry. I know for sure I will make them food before we search for a room for them.

"Do you think mom's husband would let us eat?"

"Who cares what he thinks, Danny," I replied, walking up to the mansion, "I will make sure you four will have food with or without his permission."

My siblings and I stepped into the mansion, pausing in the front hall. Our mother was in a man's arms while the two shared a heated kiss. Disgusting I think. I don't need to see that. I shifted TJ in my arms when I cleared my throat, forcing my mom and her new hubby to pull apart.

My eyes widened in shock and horror. My mother's husband was Eminem! How the hell did my mother get with him?! I noticed that I'm not the only one that was shocked. His eyes widened in shock when he turned towards us. Maybe it's because there were five of us. My mother was going to hear it from this rapper.

"I knew you had kids, but you didn't tell me you had fucking FIVE kids!"

"I forgot," she replied emotionless.

Of course, she would reply like that. I admit I'm pretty sure my mother doesn't care for us. But that doesn't mean you need to say that you forgot you have five kids. Who in the right mind would forget that they gave birth to five children? I'm not happy with her. And I'm not the only one that was angry with her. Eminem wasn't happy with her either.

"Having five kids ISN'T something you forget easily, CASSIE!"

The celebrity turned towards my and my siblings. Danny and Elle were hiding behind me with their hands grabbing my shirt. Colt was somewhat behind the twins with his arms over his chest. He, along with the twins, were afraid of Eminem. I admit I am also afraid of this celebrity, but I wasn't going to show it. I was going to be strong for my siblings.

"I'm Elizabeth Bryan. This is Colten Shelton, Danielle and Daniel Taylor, and TJ McGraw. We are the children of Cassie. I don't know why she didn't tell you that she has five children... Wait. I know why! Anyway, I need you to show me the kitchen. My siblings are hungry."

"Beth. I know for sure they're not angry. I'm their mother and I know best," my mother tried to exclaim, reaching for TJ.

My eyes widened when TJ screamed like someone was trying to murder him. I turned my body away from my mother, rubbing TJ's back. He was gripping my shirt tightly, mumbling, "No."

I narrowed my eyes at my mother, snapping angrily, "I don't understand why you want to hold him now! You didn't even hold him when he was born! I don't know what you're fucking doing! Your husband needs to know the truth! You are a shitty mother to us! I know more about them than you! I don't need help to search for the kitchen, Eminem! I'm going to search for it now! My siblings are hungry and I will get them food with or without your permission!"

I walked past Eminem and my mother, not caring that my mother was glaring at me. I did notice a look in my step-father's face, but I didn't know the emotions that were in his eyes. I don't care. I need to feed my siblings. They haven't eaten in four days. I haven't eaten in two weeks. But my siblings are more important than me. I'm the only parent my siblings have and I will make sure nothing bad will happen to them anymore.

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