Chapter 1: The Beginning of an Adventure

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At first, I had no memory of what happend. I slowly opend my eyes against the bright sunlight.
"Where am I? What happend?" I asked myself out loud, with a kind of cracked voice, and in English, not in Dutch for some reason. I slowly sat up and then everything came back.


We were already a few months into the new school year, and I had made new friends, because for me it was a new school. I was walking with my friend Sammie through the school halls (it was lunch time), when I suddenly didn't feel well.
I stopped walking and saw stars.
"Are you okay?" Sammie asked.
"Yeah," I said slowly, which wasn't true. I started to get a headache, which was getting worse by the second.
"Maybe you should sit down," Sammie advised. She was really sweet.
"I'm...I'm alright," I answered.
"Vicky," I heard someone else say. It sounded like I was dragging all attention and as if everyone was saying my name and asking if I was okay. That probably wasn't the case, but if felt so.

I was wearing my silver ring and my necklace with a big sort of diamond with eight points. Fake of course, or so I thought. I got it once from an aunt, my sister has the same one, in fiery colors, mine was more blue and purple-ish. I was wondering if it was supposed to look like the Arkenstone from the Hobbit, or a Silmaril from the Silmarillion, which I was all a big fan of.

Anyway, so I got a huge headache which was getting even worse. I don't think I had more pain before.
"Your necklace," said Sammie. I was confused. I was unwell and she talked about the necklace I wore so often? Almost everything was black before my eyes and I couldn't see her face. I felt like I was going to pass out.
"It's glowing."
"What? What's glowing?" I asked, but I could barely hear myself.
The last thing I remembered was my necklace, that was indeed glowing. It was the only light I could see, and I took up my necklace and it was the only thing that was showing light. All else was dark. It was like I was blind. Darkness with my eyes wide open. It was glowing brighter and brighter until I saw nothing more but a white light. I think I passed out, but what happend after, I could not remember.


So I was awake again. I was sitting in green gras, and my head still felt like it was on fire. But fortunately it was getting less, slowly. I rubbed in my eyes, when I immediately discovered I wasn't wearing glasses, which I normally always do. I looked straight forward and noticed that I could see, without glasses.
"I can see normal, without glasses?!" I sofly said to myself, with many thoughts in my head. I looked down on my hands and I noticed I had different clothes on.

I was wearing a green long-sleeved shirt, and a brown coat. On top of that was a green cloak, which was fastened around my neck. I had dark blue pants from a really soft material, and black boots that came just under my knees. Around my waist was a black with brown belt, of leather it seemed, with at my left side a sword.
A sword?! I thought I had gone crazy, and that this must be either a dream, or that I was dead. But I felt pretty alive and my headache was gone for the biggest part.

The sword had a long hilt, so you could wield it with two hands. The hilt was red with blue, and carved with shapes that appeared also on my cloak, I later found out. I grabbed the hilt with one hand, still sitting in the grass, and held the sheath (which had the same appearance) with the other. I took out the sword and stared at it with amazement, for the most part because it was a sword, but also because it was really long (okay, not half as long as Andúril, but for me, it was long). I carefully let it down on my left hand and looked at it. There was some Elvish text inside (yes I know what Elvish looks like) and it seemed like it was Quenya. I just couldn't read it. I didn't immediately made me think that it was the Elvish from the Lord of the Rings.
I sighed and put it back in the sheath.

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