Meeting Miu

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On September 14th, 2022 my life changed forever, and in the least likely of ways. It all started at Inventioncon 2022.

It was a year like any other at first glance. Hundreds of talented and inquisitive inventors were showing off their new inventions, concepts, and designs. Some of them were pretty out of this world, while others were a little... Different... 

However in reality everyone here had different themes, ideas, and concepts so you made sure you respected every single creation you put your eyes on. Even if they appeared that they came from the mind of a five-year-old.

This year I brought what I thought was one of the greatest inventions I have ever made. In non-technical terms, it was a recording system that would generate a new song from any musician that you wanted. Even if they weren't alive anymore you could still use the invention. Let's say you wanted Elvis to rap, or you wanted Freddie Mercury to duet a ballad with you. 

Well, all you have to do is let the machine listen to a few songs they have sung and they can generate the perfect replica of their voice. You can then connect it with a computer or any electronic device to type in what you want them to sing. 

It was a major hit, and to be honest you should have made multiple ones because there was a long line of people waiting to create their own music. Thankfully the night before I added several singers' voices so they wouldn't take as long. I heard many people using Olivia Newton-John, Meatloaf, and Tom Parker. They all died this year and it seemed that some people still didn't move on just yet, and I think hearing their voices sing one final song possibly gave them the closure they needed. 

To make things even better I was interviewed by some of the most recognizable news stations, and it seems like I attracted a massive amount of fans with my new invention. Everyone kept badgering me if I was going to release it to the public, and I gave them some pretty vague answers since I had no clue what the next step was going to be for the invention yet. I didn't even pick a proper name for it yet... 

Eventually, the general public left and it was just the inventors left. We were all packing up after another amazing year at Inventioncon, but in reality, for a few inventors, it felt like hell on earth. 

That is when I laid eyes on this one girl who was openly crying in front of her invention. No one was going to comfort her, and some people even laughed at her failure. 

It was very ridiculous that no one was going to try to cheer her up, so you had to step up yourself. 

"Hello? Ma'am is something wrong?" 

"Of course, there is something wrong you idiot! You completely stole the spotlight from me! This year was supposed to be mine, but not a single person wanted to try out my new invention!" She complained, and you felt kind of bad for her...

This girl was honestly very attractive, and she was dressed very femininely. It was like a Victoria's Secret model snuck into an Inventioncon. 

"I apologize for taking all of the credit, but I have no control over what people like or not... Maybe if your invention was better more people would have been interested." You commented, and you made a big mistake saying that...

"What the fuck did you just say to me? I put hours and hours of hard work into my inventions, and you are saying that it isn't interesting!? Go to hell you fleabag!" The woman yelled at you, and she stormed off. 

Everyone else that was still in the hall gave you looks of grief and sorrow, and you were starting to get the note that this girl had a bit of a reputation... 

You never thought you would see that girl again. You didn't know what she made, or who she was so you thought seeing her again was a long shot.

However one day I saw her again, and compared to what happened today I was sitting pretty. 

That was the first time I ever met Miu Iruma. The girl that changed my life forever.

"𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟" 𝕄𝕚𝕦 𝕀𝕣𝕦𝕞𝕒 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant