CHAPTER - One ( Vibrant Cooking😌)

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"Boys?!" Ae-Cha called for her sons.

"Yes, Eomma?" six boys said in unison, except Yoongi as he was sleeping (oo...this boy 😑).

"Me and your appa are going to the market, okay? We will be back within 30 minutes. So don't do anything stupid, alright?"

All nodded at her.

"And Jin, honey!"

"Yes, Eomma?"

"You are in charge, so don't let them do anything stupid or create a mess, hmm, and take care of everyone and yourself, alright?"

"Jagi, we are only going for 30 minutes, not for 30 days. You are saying it like...." Shihyuk said.

She glared at her husband, which made him shut his mouth.

"Don't worry, Eomma, I will handle everything; you enjoy shopping with appa," Jin said gently, smiling.

"Alright then, we shall get going. See you guys, love you all."

"Love you, Eomma, love you, appa."

With this, the Kim couple went for marketing.

"You hear that, right? I am in charge, so I don't need any mess around or dangerous stunts! You all got it!?" Jin said with his bossy voice.

But it seems like no one was paying attention to him.

"Hello? Am I talking to the air, huh? You're not responding to your eldest hyung, huh? Is this how you treat your hyung?" Jin started his rap, as we all know 😅.

"Hyung!!!" Yoongi said lazily. "Can you please slow down? I am in the middle of my sleep!"

"Yoongi!!..... Is sleep more important than your brothers? Just stop being a lazy cat and help me with the kids," Jin said, glaring at Yoongi.

"Oh, come on, hyung, they are old enough to take care of themselves. Like, look at Jungkook, he is twelve, old enough to sleep alone," Yoongi said.

"I am thirteen!" Jungkook shouted.

"Yeah, yeah," Yoongi said.

"Alright then... I am going to the kitchen," Jin said.

In the kitchen:

Jin was cooking Bibimbap.

"Alright, let's make some fried egg then...."

"Hyung, can I help too?" Namjoon asked while entering the kitchen.

"Nope," Jin simply said.

"But I promise I won't do anything out of order."

"Still nope.... Remember, you are not allowed here, Joonie."

"But I wanna help."

"Joonie... we don't want the kitchen to turn into a bomb destroyed place, right?"

Namjoon pouted. "Alright, just order me, and I will bring the ingredients. How does that sound?" He asked hopefully.

"Uhmmm.... 🤔🤔, Alright then. Do one thing, Namjoon-ah, can you bring some meat from the storage room?"

Namjoon nodded excitedly. "Alright, I will be back soon," he said as he went from the kitchen.

"He is helpful," Jin smiled. "But I hope he doesn't mess in the storage."


Jin turned around to meet his youngest brother.

"Yes, Jungkook, what do you want?"

Kim's Life In a Frame ( bangtan brother series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant