Hallucination / Reality

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First time writing a sex scene so give me any advices, constructive critics and reports for each error XD
Again, English isn't my first language so apologize for every mistake.

-Let me go!-

She was screaming and crying while he held her under him. He didn’t bother to shut her up.

Even if she hadn’t a chance to break free, she kept struggling, unconscious that he was only getting excited more.

Mac lowered himself to her, on her neck, smelling her hair scent.
Grass, probably some flowers.

Something so rare in the desert where it seemed to be only sand and dust.
A breath of fresh air under the burning sun. And he had, needed, to take it.
He looked at her tears running down her jugular and couldn’t resist but lick them away and then bite her hard until he tasted blood.

The only things he could hear were her screams and his heart beating fast.


-Let me go!-

She was his.
Even if she had ran away, she was still his.
But now she was dead.

That thought hurt and angered him.

Mac stood up in front of her.

-Fucking go away!- he yelled.
She didn’t moved, she approached him instead.

-You don’t want me here, with you?-
Her hand caressed his cheek, and he let her do it, enjoying her soft touch.

-You ain’t here.-

-Yes, I am.-
She started to kiss his face.

She smelled sweet like he remembered but like cigarettes too.  But she had never smoked and she had never touched him like this.

It wasn’t her.
She wasn’t here.
How could she?

-You’re a fucking hallucination.-
She said nothing, continuing to kiss him softly but with passion.
His dick twitching in his pants.

She felt so real and he decided he didn’t care.

Probably he would wake up fucking the sofa but now he wanted her even if it was his own mind fucking him.

Fucking drugs.

He held her tighter, digging his fingers in her skin and pressing her body against him.
She wrapped her arms around him, like she had never done, always pushing him away from her.

She moaned his name so soft and that hit him like nothing before.

Fucking meth.
How much had he taken this time?

She started to walk, pushing him sit on the couch and he dragged her too, letting her sit on him.

His hands went under her coat, encountering the shirt and the skirt’s fabric, already rolled up cause of their position and he reached her thighs.

He rolled the fabric of the panties around his fingers, pressing them even more into her skin, violent as he always did with her, pushing her towards his cock.

He felt her flinch slightly but she said nothing this time, letting him kiss her deeper, filling her mouth with his tongue.

-You back for more? -
Mac was still divided by the reality and the thought of a hallucination. Anyway, the only thing he wanted now was to taste her again, sink in her and feel her around him.

Land of dead || A Red Canyon FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora